Doppio Guaio

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Doppio Guaio, nota anche come Team Rocket, è una delle canzoni del Jukebox di Pikachu. Nella versione italiana completa, Emanuela Pacotto, Simone D'Andrea, Giuseppe Calvetti e Tony Fuochi interpretano rispettivamente i ruoli di Jessie, James, Meowth e Giovanni. Insieme a molte altre canzoni del segmento, faceva parte dei CD Le Canzoni Autentiche Della Serie TV e Pokémon X. È stata anche usata come tema del Team Rocket in Pokémon Puzzle League, mentre una versione leggermente diversa della canzone ha fatto il suo debutto in Pokémon Live!.






Versione CD

Versione TV

Versione di Pokémon Live!

Jessie e James:
Prepare for trouble
Make it double
Prepare for trouble
Make it double

James: To protect the world from devastation!
Jessie: To unite all peoples within our nation!
James: To denounce the evils of truth and law!
Jessie: To extend our reach to the stars above!
Jessie: Jessie!
James: James!

Jessie e James:
Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light
Surrender now or prepare to fight!
Team Rocket's Rockin!
Talking trouble, walking trouble, double trouble
Big trouble's gonna follow you!

Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light
Surrender now or prepare to fight!
Team Rocket's Rockin!
Talking trouble, walking trouble, double trouble
Big trouble's gonna follow you!
We captured Pikachu!

Jessie: We're Team Rocket, and we fight for what's wrong.
James: For mayhem, for madness and for rare Pokémon
Jessie: I'm so gorgeous.
James: I'm always the man.
Delia: You're just the players in his "master plan".
Jessie e James: Jealous?

Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light
Surrender now or prepare to fight!
Team Rocket's Rockin!
Talking trouble, walking trouble, double trouble
Big trouble's gonna follow you!

Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light
Surrender now or prepare to fight!
Team Rocket's Rockin!
Talking trouble, walking trouble, double trouble
Big trouble's gonna follow you!
We captured Pikachu!

Team Rocket's rockin!


Jessie: Hit it!
Jessie e James:
Team Rocket's Rockin!
Talking trouble, walking trouble double trouble
Big trouble's gonna follow you!

Team Rocket's Rockin!
Talking trouble, walking trouble, double trouble
Big trouble's gonna follow you!
We're gonna capture Ash-ey too!

Versione di DP092

Team Rocket's Rockin!
Talking trouble, walking trouble, double trouble
Big trouble's gonna follow you!

Team Rocket's Rockin!
Talking trouble, walking trouble, double trouble
Big trouble's gonna follow you!

Team Rocket's Rockin!
Talking trouble, walking trouble, double trouble
Big trouble's gonna follow you!

Team Rocket's Rockin!
Talking trouble, walking trouble, double trouble
Big trouble's gonna follow you!

Team Rocket's Rockin!
Talking trouble, walking trouble, double trouble
Big trouble's gonna follow you!

Team Rocket's Rockin!
Talking trouble...

Crediti originali

  • Voci principali: Rachael Lillis (Jessie), Eric Stuart (James), Adam Blaustein (Meowth), Ted Lewis (Giovanni)
  • Voci di sottofondo: Curtis King, Sharon Bryant, Russell Velázquez, Louis Cortelezzi
  • Chitarre: Larry Saltzman, Bob Mayo
  • Co-prodotta e arrangiata da Louis Cortelezzi



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