Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! & Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee! Super Music Collection

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Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! & Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee! Super Music Collection
Nintendo Switch ポケットモンスター Let's Go! ピカチュウ・Let's Go! イーブイ スーパーミュージック・コンプリート
LGPE Super Music Collection.jpg
Artwork della cover frontale internazionale
Data di rilascio
1 dicembre 2018
Numero di catalogo
Numero di tracce

Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! & Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee! Super Music Collection è la soundtrack ufficiale di Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! e Let's Go, Eevee!. È stata pubblicata sotto forma di album in Giappone il 1° dicembre 2018. In Occidente è stata resa disponibile soltanto in formato digitale su iTunes lo stesso giorno.


I primi due dischi contengono tutta la musica di Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! e Let's Go, Eevee!. Il terzo invece include musica rimasterizzata di Pokémon Rosso, Blu e Giallo.

Disco 1

Num. CD Num. iTunes Titolo (giapponese) Titolo (inglese) Compositori Arrangiamento Durata
1 1 ゲームの中へLet's Go! Into the Game: Let's Go! Shota Kageyama Shota Kageyama 0:25
2 2 ことばをえらぼう Choose Your Language Shota Kageyama Shota Kageyama 0:40
3 3 ~オープニング~ Title Screen Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 1:44
4 4 マサラタウンのテーマ Pallet Town Theme Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 1:31
5 5 オーキド博士 Professor Oak Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 0:48
6 6 道案内 Guide Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 0:30
7 7 オーキド研究所 Professor Oak's Laboratory Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 1:15
8 8 ポケモンをつかまえた! Caught a Pokémon! Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 0:08
9 9 卜キワへの道—マサラより Road to Viridian City: Leaving Pallet Town Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 1:21
10 10 どうぐをひろった! Picked Up an Item! Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 0:05
11 11 ポケモンセンター Pokémon Center Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 1:11
12 12 ポケモン回復 Pokémon Healed Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 0:07
13 13 トレーナーあらわる(男の子編) A Trainer Appears (Boy Version) Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 0:21
14 14 戦い(VS卜レーナ一) Battle! (Trainer Battle) Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 3:11
15 15 勝利(VS卜レーナ一) Victory! (Trainer Battle) Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 0:34
16 16 図鑑評価...まだまだ Pokédex Evaluation... You're on Your Way! Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 0:06
17 17 卜キワの森 Viridian Forest Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 3:35
18 18 捕獲(野生のポケモン) Catch! (Wild Pokémon) Shota Kageyama Shota Kageyama 2:10
19 19 捕獲成功!(野生のポケモン) Successful Catch! (Wild Pokémon) Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 0:34
20 20 レベルアップ Level Up! Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 0:05
21 21 トレーナーあらわる(女の子編) A Trainer Appears (Girl Version) Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 0:22
22 22 ニビシティのテーマ Pewter City Theme Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 2:08
23 23 ポケモンジム Pokémon Gym Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 1:41
24 24 戦い(VSジムリーダー) Battle! (Gym Leader Battle) Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 1:53
25 25 勝利(VSジムリーダー) Victory! (Gym Leader Battle) Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 1:23
26 26 ジムバッジをてにいれた! Obtained a Gym Badge! Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 0:09
27 27 グリーンのテーマ Blue’s Theme Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 0:41
28 28 ハナダへの道—おつきみ山より Road to Cerulean City: Leaving Mt. Moon Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 1:48
29 29 プリンの歌 Jigglypuff's Song Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 0:12
30 30 おつきみ山のどうくつ Caves of Mt. Moon Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 3:02
31 31 卜レーナ一あらわる(悪いヤツ編) A Trainer Appears (Bad Guy Version) Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 0:37
32 32 ムサシ・コジロウのテーマ Theme of Jessie and James Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 0:43
33 33 進化 Evolution Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 0:24
34 34 進化おめでとう! Congratulations! Your Pokémon Evolved! Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 0:08
35 35 ハナダシティのテーマ Cerulean City Theme Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 1:14
36 36 マサキのもとへ一ハナダより To Bill: Leaving Cerulean City Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 1:29
37 37 クチバシティのテーマ Vermilion City Theme Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 1:22
38 38 サン卜・アンヌ号 The S.S. Anne Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 1:21
39 39 シオンへの道—クチバより Road to Lavender Town: Leaving Vermilion City Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 2:15

Disco 2

Num. CD Num. iTunes Titolo (giapponese) Titolo (inglese) Compositori Arrangiamento Durata
1 40 シオンタウンのテーマ Lavender Town Theme Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 2:15
2 41 ポケモンタワー Pokémon Tower Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 2:17
3 42 タマムシシティのテーマ Celadon City Theme Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 2:11
4 43 ゲームコーナー Game Corner Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 2:40
5 44 ロケット団アジ卜 Rocket Hideout Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 2:28
6 45 たいせつなどうぐをもらった! Obtained a Key Item! Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 0:07
7 46 カラカラのおかあさん Cubone's Mother Junichi Masuda, Go Ichinose, Shota Kageyama Shota Kageyama 0:25
8 47 ポケモンの笛 The Poké Flute Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 0:12
9 48 戦い(VS野生のポケモン) Battle! (Wild Pokémon) Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 1:32
10 49 ポケモンをつかまえた!(short ver.) Caught a Pokémon! (Short Version) Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 0:09
11 50 ポケモンロード Pokémon Road Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 1:21
12 51 GOパーク GO Park Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 4:23
13 52 捕獲(GOバーク) Catch! (GO Park) Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 1:25
14 53 ポケモンをつかまえた!(GOパーク) Caught a Pokémon! (GO Park) Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 0:09
15 54 シルフカンパニー Silph Co. Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 2:12
16 55 The Sea Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 2:01
17 56 グレンタウンのテーマ Cinnabar Island Theme Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 1:39
18 57 ポケモン屋敷 Pokémon Mansion Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 1:54
19 58 最後の道 The Final Road Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 1:34
20 59 ラス卜バトル(VSライバル) Final Battle! (Rival) Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 2:27
21 60 殿堂入り Hall of Fame Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 0:57
22 61 おめでとう Congratulations! Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 2:57
23 62 ~エンディング~ Ending Theme Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 3:35
24 63 ただいま We're Back Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 0:31
25 64 通信 Connection Shota Kageyama, Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 1:23
26 65 ふしぎなおくりもの Mystery Gift Hitomi Sato Shota Kageyama 1:06
27 66 戦い(VSマスター卜レーナ一) Battle! (Master Trainer Battle) Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama 3:12

Disco 3

Num. CD Num. iTunes Titolo (giapponese) Titolo (inglese) Compositori Arrangiamento Durata
1 67 タイ卜ルデモ Opening Movie Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 0:23
2 68 ~オープニング~ Title Screen (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 1:44
3 69 マサラタウンのテーマ Pallet Town Theme (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 1:16
4 70 オーキド博士 Professor Oak (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 0:47
5 71 オーキド研究所 Professor Oak's Laboratory (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 0:42
6 72 ライバルあらわる A Rival Appears Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 0:43
7 73 卜キワへの道—マサラより Road to Viridian City: Leaving Pallet Town (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 0:58
8 74 どうぐをひろった! Picked Up an Item! (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 0:06
9 75 戦い(VS野生のポケモン) Battle! (Wild Pokémon) [Pokémon Yellow] Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 1:28
10 76 勝利(VS野生のポケモン) Victory! (Wild Pokémon) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 0:36
11 77 ポケモンを手に入れた! Obtained a Pokémon! Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 0:06
12 78 ポケモンセンター Pokémon Center (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 1:11
13 79 ポケモン回復 Pokémon Healed (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 0:06
14 80 図鑑評価...まだまだ Pokédex Evaluation... You're on Your Way! (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 0:06
15 81 卜キワの森 Viridian Forest (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 3:35
16 82 ニビシティのテーマ Pewter City Theme (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 2:08
17 83 道案内 Guide (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 0:37
18 84 トレーナーあらわる(女の子編) A Trainer Appears (Girl Version) [Pokémon Yellow] Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 0:21
19 85 戦い(VS卜レーナ一) Battle! (Trainer Battle) [Pokémon Yellow] Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 3:11
20 86 勝利(VS卜レーナ一) Victory! (Trainer Battle) [Pokémon Yellow] Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 0:36
21 87 レベルアップ Level up! (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 0:04
22 88 おつきみ山のどうくつ Caves of Mt. Moon (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 2:59
23 89 ムサシ・コジロウのテーマ Theme of Jessie and James (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 0:45
24 90 ハナダへの道—おつきみ山より Road to Cerulean City: Leaving Mt. Moon (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 1:02
25 91 ハナダシティのテーマ Cerulean City Theme (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 1:15
26 92 ポケモンジム Pokémon Gym (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 1:11
27 93 戦い(VSジムリーダー) Battle! (Gym Leader Battle) [Pokémon Yellow] Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 1:53
28 94 勝利(VSジムリーダー) Victory! (Gym Leader Battle) [Pokémon Yellow] Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 1:23
29 95 マサキのもとへ—ハナダより To Bill: Leaving Cerulean City (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 0:51
30 96 プリンの歌 Jigglypuff's Song (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 0:10
31 97 クチバシティのテーマ Vermilion City Theme (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 1:00
32 98 サン卜アンヌ号 The S.S. Anne (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 1:17
33 99 シオンへの道—クチバより Road to Lavender Town: Leaving Vermilion City (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 1:16
34 100 トレーナーあらわる(男の子編) A Trainer Appears (Boy Version) [Pokémon Yellow] Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 0:24
35 101 サイクリング Cycling Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 1:22
36 102 シオンタウンのテーマ Lavender Town Theme (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 1:36
37 103 ポケモンタワー Pokémon Tower (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 2:17
38 104 タマムシシティのテーマ Celadon City Theme (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 1:12
39 105 カジノ Rocket Game Corner Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 1:28
40 106 トレーナーあらわる(悪いヤツ編) A Trainer Appears (Bad Guy Version) [Pokémon Yellow] Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 0:24
41 107 ロケット団アジ卜 Rocket Hideout (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 2:28
42 108 たいせつなどうぐをもらった! Obtained a Key Item! (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 0:06
43 109 ボケモンの笛 The Poké Flute (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 0:11
44 110 シルフカンパニー Silph Co. (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 2:12
45 111 The Sea (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 1:04
46 112 ピカチュウのサマービーチ Pikachu's Beach Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 1:27
47 113 ピカチュウのサマービーチ(結果発表) Pikachu's Beach (Results Announcement) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 1:01
48 114 通信 Connection (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 2:03
49 115 グレンタウンのテーマ Cinnabar Island Theme (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 0:56
50 116 ポケモン屋敷 Pokémon Mansion (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 2:23
51 117 進化 Evolution (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 0:36
52 118 進化おめでとう! Congratulations! Your Pokémon Evolved! (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 0:06
53 119 最後の道 The Final Road (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 1:09
54 120 ラス卜バトル(VSライバル) Final Battle! (Rival) [Pokémon Yellow] Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 2:31
55 121 殿堂入り Hall of Fame (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 1:03
56 122 ~エンデイング~ Ending Theme (Pokémon Yellow) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda 1:41


Il rilascio fisico giapponese include un libretto di 60 pagine con note dalla squadra del suono di Game Freak.


Collegamenti esterni

Vedi anche

Soundtrack della serie animata
Soundtrack dei film
Partiture dei film
Soundtrack dei giochi
Altri album
Don't Say You Love Me (1999) • Pokémon Theme (1999; Non ufficiale) • Pokémon World (2000) • The Power of One (2000) • Reconnect/Grown (2021)

Soundtrack dell'animazione
Mezase Pokémon Master (1997) • Pocket Monsters Sound Anime Collection ongaku shūmei bamen shū (1998) • Minna de eranda Pokémon Song & Pokémon Card ~ Pokémon ♪ Best Collection (1999) • Rival! (1999) • Song ♪ Best Collection 2 (2001) • Ready Go! (2002) • Advance Adventure (2003) • Pocket Monsters TV anime shudaika song shū perfect best 1997 ~ 2003 (2003) • Pocket Monsters eiga anime shudaika song shū perfect best 1998 ~ 2003 (2003) • Challenger!! (2004) • Pokémon Symphonic Medley / GLORY DAY ~Kagayaku sono hi~ (2005) • Genki!! Ippai !! Pokémon song shū 2005 nen Pokémon ongaku - Undōkai yō hen (2005) • Battle Frontier (2005) • Pocket Monsters TV Shudaika Song-shu AG-hen Perfect Best 2 2003-2006 (2006) • Spurt! / Watashi makenai! ~Haruka no Theme~ (2006) • Together / Kimi no soba de ~Hikari no Theme~ (2006) • Together 2007 (2007) • Kaze no message (2008) • High Touch! / Ashita wa kitto (2008) • High Touch! 2009 (2009) • Dotchi ~ Nyo? (2009) • Saikou - Everyday! (2010) • TV Anime Pocket Monsters Original Soundtrack Best 1997-2010 (2010-2011) • Best Wishes! / Kokoro no fanfare (2010) • Matsumoto Rica ga Utau Pokémon Shudaika Best ~Rica the Pokémon Song Best~ (2011) • Best Wishes! Season 2 (2012) • TV Anime Pocket Monsters XY & Z chara song project shū Vol. 1 (2016) • TV Anime Pocket Monsters XY & Z chara song project shū Vol. 2 (2016) • Mezase Pokémon Master -20th Anniversary- (2017) • TV Anime "Pocket Monsters" Original Soundtrack (2020) • Pocket Monsters Original Soundtrack Volume 2 (2022) • TV Anime Theme Song BEST 2019-2022 (2022) • TV anime shudaika BEST OF BEST OF BEST 1997-2023 (2023)
Soundtrack dei film e dei Corti di Pikachu
Soundtrack dei giochi
Utau Pokémon Zukan (1997) • Kaze to issho ni (1998) • toi et moi (1999) • Laplace ni notte (1999) • Nyarth no Party (1999) • OK! (2000) • Pokémon hara hara relay (2000) • Niji ga umareta hi (2000) • Boku no best friend e (2001) • Ashita tenki ni shite okure (2001) • Kakurenbo (2001) • Maemuki Rocket-Dan! (2001) • Ano oka wo mezashite (2002) • Hitoribotchi ja nai (2002) • Chiisaki mono (2003) • Polka O Dolka ~Dance!! Dance!! Nyarth!!~ (2003) • Marching March (2004) • L·O·V·E·L·Y ~yume miru LOVELY BOY~ (2004) • Hello! Thank You! (2005) • Hajimari no uta / Nice buddy (2005) • 24 -twenty four- (2006) • I Will Be With You (Where The Lost Ones Go) (2007) • ONE (2008) • Kokoro no antenna (2009) • Ice Cream Syndrome (2010) • PARADISE/Endless Fighters (2010) • Chū - sora - / Hibiki - koe - (2011) • Pokémon ieru ka na? BW (2011) • Nanairo arch (2012) • Otome sensou (2012) • Memories (2012) • Te wo tsunagou / Kindan Karma (2013) • Natsumeku Sakamichi (2013) • Egao (2013) • V / Jikyū 850-en no Santa Claus (2013) • Mega V / Sunshine (2014) • Yoake no Ryūseigun (2014) • Pokémon de Odorō with J☆Dee'Z (2014) • DreaDrea (2015) • Getta Banban (2015) • Tweedia (2015) • GaoGao All Stars / Jinsei wa ichido kiri (2015) • Post ni koe wo nageirete (2016) • Alola!! / Pose (2017) • Oración no Theme ~Tomoni arukō~ (2017) • OT WORKS (2018) • Mirai connection (2018) • Hikikomori Jouhoujakusha (2018) • Breath (2018) • Kaze to issho ni (2019) • Acacia / Gravity (2020) • Nijirald / Chan-Dan (2022) • Dokimeki Diary (2023) • Pokémon Music Collective (2023) • Have a Good Time Here (2023) • Aim to Be a Pokémon Master / One Hundred Fifty-One (2023) • RVR ~Rising Volt Tacklers Rap~ (2023) • Biri-Biri (2024)
1 Musashi-ban (2013) • 2 - Kojirō-ban (2013) • 3 - Nyarth-ban (2013) • maboroshi no pilot-ban (2013) • ~Selection~ (2013)