Differenze tra le versioni di "Kanto"

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16 byte rimossi ,  12:46, 19 giu 2013
===Luoghi esclusive del manga===
{| style="margin:auto; text-align:center; background: #{{colore kanto dark}}; {{roundy|5px}}; border: 2px solid #{{colore kanto}}"
|- style="background:#{{colore kanto}}; color:#FFF"
| [[Celadon University]]
| [[Pokémon Get da ze!]]
| style="text-align:left;" | La Celadon University issi locatedtrova inad [[Celadon CityAzzurropoli]] and has been mentioneded numerousè timesstato incitato variouspiù canonsvolte, butma issi onlyè seenvisto insolo thenel manga [[Pokémon Get da ze!]].
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Cerise Island.png|100px]]
| [[Cerise Island]]
| [[Pokémon Adventures]]<br><small>{{chap|Yellow}}<small>
| style="text-align:left;" | AnUn'isola unmappednon andsegnata mostlysulle unknownmappe islande locatedper tolo thepiù westsconosciuta ofsituata ad ovest dell'[[CinnabarIsola IslandCannella]]. TheÈ headquartersla ofsede the Kantodei [[Elite FourSuperquattro]], thedi Kanto, antagonistsgli ofantagonisti thedel {{chap|Yellow}}.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Mt Spirit.png|100px]]
| [[Mt. Spirit]]
| [[The Electric Tale of Pikachu]]
| style="text-align:left;" | <!--A tall mountain on the outskirts of [[Fuchsia City]]. The flag on its peak is the finishing point for the [[Fuchsia Free-For-All Race]].-->
===Punti d'interesse===
5 387


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