Differenze tra le versioni di "Kanto"

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18 413 byte aggiunti ,  12:40, 19 giu 2013
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m (r2.7.3) (Bot: Aggiungo zh:关都地方)
[[Image:Kanto-map.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Mappa della regione di Kanto della [[prima generazione]]]] La regione di '''Kanto''' è situata ad est di [[Johto]], a nord di [[Hoenn]] e a sud di [[Sinnoh]]. È la prima regione apparsa nei giochi Pokémon. Vi sono ambientati i giochi di [[prima generazione]] ed è presente nella [[terza generazione]] nei giochi [[Pokémon Rosso Fuoco e Verde Foglia]] (con l'aggiunta del [[Settipelago]]). Kanto è anche accessibile nei giochi di [[seconda generazione]] ([[Pokémon Oro e Argento|Oro, Argento]] e [[Pokémon Cristallo|Cristallo]]) e nei [[Pokémon Oro HeartGold e Argento SoulSilver|remake]] di [[quarta generazione]] dopo aver completato l'avventura della regione di [[Johto]]. È l'unica regione che, ad oggi, appare in tutte le generazioni.
La maggior parte dei nomi delle città derivano da nomi di colori (Celestopoli, Aranciopoli, Altopiano Blu, ecc.). Il [[Professor Oak]] è il [[Professore Pokémon]] di questa regione e offre agli [[Allenatore|allenatori]] di scegliere tra [[Bulbasaur]], [[Charmander]], o [[Squirtle]] come [[Pokémon iniziale]], mentre in Giallo l'unica scelta è un [[Pikachu]]. Il giocatore comincia la sua avventura a [[Biancavilla]] e finisce all'[[Altopiano Blu]].
È ispirata alla regione giapponese del {{wp|Kantō}}, realmente esistente.
==Località Mappe ==
[[Image:KantoII.png|thumb|right|250px|Mappa della regione di Kanto della [[seconda generazione]]]]
Image:Kanto-map.jpg|Mappa della regione di Kanto della [[prima generazione]]
Image:KantoII.png|Mappa della regione di Kanto della [[seconda generazione]]
Image:MappaKanto.jpg|Mappa della regione di Kanto della [[terza generazione]]
File:Kanto Town Map RBY.png|thumb|right|250px|Mappa della regione di Kanto nei giochi di [[prima generazione]]
File:Kanto Town Map GSC.png|thumb|right|250px|Mappa della regione di Kanto nei giochi di [[seconda generazione]]
File:KantoTownMap.png|thumb|right|250px|Mappa della regione di Kanto nei giochi di [[terza generazione]]
File:Kanto.png|thumb|right|250px|Mappa della regione di Kanto nei giochi di [[quarta generazione]]
== Demografia ==
Contando tutte le città della regione di Kanto, la popolazione totale in {{2v2|RossoFuoco|VerdeFoglia}} è di 391 persone.
[[Image:MappaKanto.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Mappa della regione di Kanto della [[terza generazione]]]]
{| style="margin:auto; text-align:center; background: #{{colore kanto dark}}; {{roundy|5px}}; border: 2px solid #{{colore kanto}}"
* [[Biancavilla]]
|- style="background:#{{colore kanto}}; color:#FFF"
* [[Smeraldopoli]]
! style="{{roundytl|5px}}" | Mappa
* [[Plumbeopoli]]
! Città
* [[Celestopoli]]
! Popolazione
! style="{{roundytr|5px}}" | Descrizione
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:HGSS Biancavilla.png|100px]]
| [[Biancavilla]]
| 10
| Una città nuova e tranquilla. È un luogo piccolo e grazioso.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:HGSS Smeraldopoli.png|100px]]
| [[Smeraldopoli]]
| 30
| Una bella città avvolta nel verde tutto l'anno.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:HGSS Plumbeopoli.png|100px]]
| [[Plumbeopoli]]
| 33
| Una città tranquilla, incastonata tra aspre montagne.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:HGSS Celestopoli.png|100px]]
| [[Celestopoli]]
| 32
| Bella città dalle acque sfavillanti e dai fiori che sbocciano.
|- style="background: #fff"<!--
| [[File:Vermilion City HGSS.png|100px]]
| [[Vermilion City]]
| 29
| A southern city that is bathed in orange by the setting sun.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Lavender Town HGSS.png|100px]]
| [[Lavender Town]]
| 41
| A small town covered in a beautiful hue of purple.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Celadon City HGSS.png|100px]]
| [[Celadon City]]
| 82
| A rich, rainbow colored city where people and Pokémon gather.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Fuchsia City HGSS.png|100px]]
| [[Fuchsia City]]
| 35
| A historic village that has become new.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Saffron City HGSS.png|100px]]
| [[Saffron City]]
| 63
| La più grande città di Kanto che risplende di una luce dorata.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Cinnabar Island HGSS.png|100px]]
| [[Cinnabar Island]]
| {{tt|36|Prima dell'eruzione del vulcano}} / {{tt|9|Dopo l'eruzione del vulcano}}
| Una città vissuta fino a quando è stata spazzata via da un'eruzione.
* [[Aranciopoli]]
* [[Lavandonia]]
* [[Isola Cannella]]
===Località esclusive dell'anime===
===Punti d'interesse===
[[Image:Kanto_Anime.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Mappa della regione di Kanto basata sull'Anime]]
{| style="margin:auto; text-align:center; background: #{{colore kanto dark}}; {{roundy|5px}}; border: 2px solid #{{colore kanto}}"
|- style="background:#{{colore kanto}}; color:#FFF"
! style="{{roundytl|5px}}" | Picture
! Location
! style="{{roundytr|5px}}" | Description
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Bill Lighthouse.png|100px]]
| [[Bill's Lighthouse]]
| style="text-align:left;" | Bill's Lighthouse is located somewhere near [[Cerulean City]].
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Cameran Palace.png|100px]]
| [[Cameran Palace]]
| style="text-align:left;" | Cameran Palace is located in the center of [[Rota]].
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Camomile Island.png|100px]]
| [[Camomile Island]]
| style="text-align:left;" | It is an island located in the Kanto [[region]].
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Camp Pokéhearst.png|100px]]
| [[Camp Pokéhearst]]
| style="text-align:left;" | It is a camp located east of [[Hollywood]].
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Chrysanthemum Island.png|100px]]
| [[Chrysanthemum Island]]
| style="text-align:left;" | A popular tourist destination in Kanto featuring a beach and a [[Pokémon Contest|Contest Hall]].
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Commerce City.png|100px]]
| [[Commerce City]]
| style="text-align:left;" | It is a large city with a park and is located somewhere in Kanto.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Cremini Town.png|100px]]
| [[Cremini Town]]
| style="text-align:left;" | A town close to [[Tohjo Falls]]. The [[Battle Tower]], lead by {{FB|Salon Maiden|Anabel}} is also nearby.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Dark City.png|100px]]
| [[Dark City]]
| style="text-align:left;" | A town located between the Safari Zone and Cinnabar Island.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Evolution Mountain.png|100px]]
| [[Evolution Mountain]]
| style="text-align:left;" | A mountain located between the Safari Zone and Cinnabar Island. [[Stone Town]] lies at its base.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Fennel Valley.png|100px]]
| [[Fennel Valley]]
| style="text-align:left;" | It is a valley located in the Kanto region.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Gaiva Dam.png|100px]]
| [[Gaiva Dam]]
| style="text-align:left;" | The dam was once being constructed near [[Fuchsia City]]. The workers abandoned the dam due to wanting to protecting the surrounding habitat. The dam eventually gets destroyed by [[Team Rocket]].
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Gardenia Town.png|100px]]
| [[Gardenia Town]]
| style="text-align:left;" | The town has a Contest Hall and is located in Kanto.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Grandpa Canyon.png|100px]]
| [[Grampa Canyon]]
| style="text-align:left;" | A canyon located outside of Neon Town.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Gringey City.png|100px]]
| [[Gringey City]]
| style="text-align:left;" | A once-thriving city that over-expanded with its factories. As a result, the city has become polluted and practically abandoned. It is located between Celadon City and Fuchsia City.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Hidden Village.png|100px]]
| [[Hidden Village]]
| style="text-align:left;" | Hidden Village is located between [[Cerulean City]] and [[Vermilion City]]. Run by [[Melanie]], the village is a place for Pokémon who have been abandoned by their Trainers. She takes care of them until they're ready to return to the wild.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Hollywood.png|100px]]
| [[Hollywood]]
| style="text-align:left;" | Hollywood is located in western Kanto. It is based on the [[Pokémon world in relation to the real world|real-world]] city {{wp|Hollywood}}.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Hop Hop Hop Town.png|100px]]
| [[HopHopHop Town]]
| style="text-align:left;" | HopHopHop Town is an urban settlement located on the outskirts of [[Celadon City]].
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:House of Imite.png|100px]]
| [[House of Imite]]
| style="text-align:left;" | The House of Imite is located between the {{safari|Kanto}} and [[Cinnabar Island]]. Home to [[Duplica]] and her {{TP|Duplica|Ditto}}, the House of Imite is also where Duplica and her Ditto perform shows for audiences.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Leaf Forest.png|100px]]
| [[Leaf Forest]]
| style="text-align:left;" | This forest has an unusual power that can suddenly cause {{type|Grass}} {{OBP|Pokémon|species}} to evolve.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Maidens Peak.png|100px]]
| [[Maiden's Peak]]
| style="text-align:left;" | Maiden's Peak is a town located near [[Saffron City]]. The town is known for its haunting legend and its festival which is held at the end of every summer.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Matcha City.png|100px]]
| [[Matcha City]]
| style="text-align:left;" | Matcha City is the location of [[Dr. Akihabara]]'s laboratory.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Metallica Island.png|100px]]
| [[Metallica Island]]
| style="text-align:left;" | It is an island located near the [[Seafoam Islands]] and the [[Battle Palace]] is located there.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Mossgreen Village.png|100px]]
| [[Mossgreen Village]]
| style="text-align:left;" | It is a small town located between the [[Kanto Safari Zone|Safari Zone]] and [[Cinnabar Island]].
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Mt Hideaway.png‎|100px]]
| [[Mt. Hideaway]]
| style="text-align:left;" | It is a large mountain located near [[Pallet Town]].
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Mulberry Contest Hall.png|100px]]
| [[Mulberry City]]
| style="text-align:left;" | Mulberry City is located in the Kanto region and has a Contest Hall.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Neon Town.png|100px]]
| [[Neon Town]]
| style="text-align:left;" | It is a vibrant town located between the Safari Zone and Cinnabar Island.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:New Island.png|100px]]
| [[New Island]]
| style="text-align:left;" | New Island is the setting of the [[M01|first movie]]. It was once the location of [[Team Rocket]] secret laboratory. Later in the movie, {{an|Mewtwo}} takes over the island and creates a fortress after the destruction of the laboratory.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Old Shore Wharf.png|100px]]
| [[Old Shore Wharf]]
| style="text-align:left;" | Old Shore Wharf is a docking place. It is where [[Mewtwo (anime)|Mewtwo]] invited Trainers to go to, in order to reach New Island. [[Miranda (movie)|Miranda]] works here.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:King Statue.png|100px]]
| [[Pokélantis]]
| style="text-align:left;" | Pokélantis is a lost empire in the proximity of [[Pewter City]]. In present day, all that remained of the once thriving city was the tomb of [[King of Pokélantis|the king]] who once ruled it. {{FB|Pyramid King|Brandon}} decided to investigate which ultimately led to the discovery of the tomb, which is baited with many traps.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:EP017.png|100px]]
| [[Pokémon Land]]
| style="text-align:left;" | Pokémon Land is an amusement park located near [[Porta Vista]].
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Pokémon Ninja School.png|100px]]
| [[Pokémon Ninja School]]
| style="text-align:left;" | A school located close to [[Fuchsia City]] were jujutsu is taught.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:EP009.png|100px]]
| [[Pokémon Tech]]
| style="text-align:left;" | It serves as a school for those who do not wish to travel to collect the eight [[Badge|Gym Badges]]. It is also known as Pokémon Technical and is located in between Cerulean City and Vermilion City.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Pokemon Theme Park.png|100px]]
| [[Pokémon Theme Park]]
| style="text-align:left;" | A large playground where {{pkmn|Trainer}}s can leave their Pokémon.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Pokemopolis.png|100px]]
| [[Pokémopolis]]
| style="text-align:left;" | Pokémopolis is an ancient civilization in close proximity to [[Pallet Town]]. It made its only anime appearance in [[EP072|''The Ancient Puzzle of Pokémopolis'']].
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Porta Vista.png|100px]]
| [[Porta Vista]]
| style="text-align:left;" | Porta Vista is a popular tourist destination located between Maiden's Peak and [[Vermilion City]].
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Potpourri Island.png|100px]]
| [[Potpourri Island]]
| style="text-align:left;" | It is an island located in Kanto's seas.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Rifure Village.png|100px]]
| [[Rifure Village]]
| style="text-align:left;" | It is a tiny establishment located near Cerulean City.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Rota.png|100px]]
| [[Rota]]
| style="text-align:left;" | A medieval themed city where [[Cameran Palace]] is located.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Sable City.png|100px]]
| [[Sable City]]
| style="text-align:left;" | Sable City is located near [[Pewter City]].
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Sayda Island.png|100px]]
| [[Sayda Island]]
| style="text-align:left;" | It is a heavily forested island home to the Sayda Lab.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Scissor Street.png|100px]]
| [[Scissor Street]]
| style="text-align:left;" | It is home to many salons for improving a Pokémon's appearance and strength.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Silver Town Kanto.png|100px]]
| {{ka|Silver Town}}
| style="text-align:left;" | A town located in Kanto.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Stone Town.png|100px]]
| [[Stone Town]]
| style="text-align:left;" | Stone Town is a tiny establishment located between the {{safari|Kanto}} and [[Cinnabar Island]].
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Sunny Town.png|100px]]
| [[Sunny Town]]
| style="text-align:left;" | Sunny Town is located at one end of the [[Kanto Route 17|Cycling Road]].
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Team Rocket Academy.png|100px]]
| [[Team Rocket Academy]]
| style="text-align:left;" | People train here to become members of [[Team Rocket]].
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Terracotta Town.png|100px]]
| [[Terracotta Town]]
| style="text-align:left;" | A seaside town established on steep cliffs. The town is famous for its unofficial [[Pokémon Contest]]s.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:The Tree of Beginning.png|100px]]
| [[Tree of Beginning]]
| style="text-align:left;" | It is a gigantic living organism made up of crystals. It is north of [[Pewter City]] and [[Mt. Moon]].
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Wisteria Town.png|100px]]
| [[Wisteria Town]]
| style="text-align:left;" | Wisteria Town is located in Kanto.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Xanadu Nursery.png|100px]]
| [[Xanadu Nursery]]
| style="text-align:left;" | It is a large greenhouse located near [[Pallet Town]].
====Solo menzionate====
{| style="margin:auto; background: #{{colore kanto dark}}; {{roundy|5px}}; border: 2px solid #{{colore kanto}}"
|- style="background:#{{colore kanto}}; color:#FFF"
! style="background: #{{colore kanto}}; {{roundytl|5px}}" | Name
! style="background: #{{colore kanto}}; {{roundytr|5px}}" | Notes
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[Celadon University]]
| Celadon University is located in [[Celadon City]] and has been mentioned multiple times in various canons, but is only seen in the manga [[Pokémon Get da ze!]].
|- style="background:#FFF;"
| [[Crimson City]]
| Mentioned in ''[[EP077|The Fourth Round Rumble]]''.
|- style="background:#FFF;"
| [[Frodomar City]]
| Mentioned in ''[[SS013|Celebi and Joy]]''. It is allegedly the [[hometown]] of [[Ritchie]].
<br clear="left">
===Luoghi esclusive del manga===
{| style="margin:auto; text-align:center; background: #{{colore kanto dark}}; {{roundy|5px}}; border: 2px solid #{{colore kanto}}"
|- style="background:#{{colore kanto}}; color:#FFF"
! style="{{roundytl|5px}}" | Picture
! Location
! Manga
! style="{{roundytr|5px}}" | Description
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Celadon University.png|100px]]
| [[Celadon University]]
| [[Pokémon Get da ze!]]
| style="text-align:left;" | Celadon University is located in [[Celadon City]] and has been mentioned numerous times in various canons, but is only seen in the manga [[Pokémon Get da ze!]].
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Cerise Island.png|100px]]
| [[Cerise Island]]
| [[Pokémon Adventures]]<br><small>{{chap|Yellow}}<small>
| style="text-align:left;" | An unmapped and mostly unknown island located to the west of [[Cinnabar Island]]. The headquarters of the Kanto [[Elite Four]], the antagonists of the {{chap|Yellow}}.
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Mt Spirit.png|100px]]
| [[Mt. Spirit]]
| [[The Electric Tale of Pikachu]]
| style="text-align:left;" | A tall mountain on the outskirts of [[Fuchsia City]]. The flag on its peak is the finishing point for the [[Fuchsia Free-For-All Race]].
===Punti d'interesse===
* [[Bosco Smeraldo]]
* [[Grotta Celeste]]
* [[Altopiano Blu]]
===Areas of interest===
{| style="margin:auto; text-align:center; background: #{{colore kanto dark}}; {{roundy|5px}}; border: 2px solid #{{colore kanto}}"
|- style="background:#{{colore kanto}}; color:#FFF"
! colspan="2" style="{{roundytl|5px}}" | Image(s)
! rowspan="2" style="{{roundytr|5px}}" | Location
|- align="center" style="background:#{{colore kanto}}; color:#FFF"
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:FL Cerulean Cave.png|100px]]
| [[File:HGSS Cerulean Cave-{{#switch: {{#time: G}}|4|5|6|7|8|9=Morning|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19=Day|20|21|22|23|0|1|2|3=Night}}.png|100px]]
| [[Cerulean Cave]]
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:FL Digletts Cave.png|100px]]
| [[File:HGSS Diglett's Cave-{{#switch: {{#time: G}}|4|5|6|7|8|9=Morning|10|11|12|13|14|15|16=Day|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|0|1|2|3=Night}}.png|100px]]
| [[Diglett's Cave]]
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Indigo Plateau FRLG.png|100px]]
| [[File:Indigo Plateau HGSS.png|100px]]
| [[Indigo Plateau]]
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:FL Mt Moon.png|100px]]
| [[File:HGSS Mt. Moon-{{#switch: {{#time: G}}|4|5|6|7|8|9=Morning|10|11|12|13|14|15|16=Day|17|18|19=Evening|20|21|22|23|0|1|2|3=Night}}.png|100px]]
| [[Mt. Moon]]
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:FL Pokemon Mansion.png|100px]]
! style="background:#{{colore kanto}}; color:#FFF" | N/A
| {{ka|Pokémon Mansion}}
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Pokemon Tower.png|100px]]
| [[File:Lavender Radio Tower HGSS.png|100px]]
| [[Pokémon Tower]] ([[Generation]]s {{gen|I}} and {{gen|III}})<br>Lavender Radio Tower ([[Generation]]s {{gen|II}} and {{gen|IV}})
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Power Plant exterior FRLG.png|100px]]
| [[File:Power Plant exterior HGSS.png|100px]]
| [[Power Plant]]
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:FL Rock Tunnel.png|100px]]
| [[File:HGSS Rock Tunnel-{{#switch: {{#time: G}}|4|5|6|7|8|9=Morning|10|11|12|13|14|15|16=Day|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|0|1|2|3=Night}}.png|100px]]
| [[Rock Tunnel]]
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Celadon Game Corner FRLG.png|100px]]
| [[File:Celadon Game Corner HGSS.png|100px]]
| [[Celadon Game Corner]]
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:FL Safari Zone.png|100px]]
| [[File:Pal Park HGSS.png|100px]]
| {{safari|Kanto}} ([[Generation|Gen]]s {{gen|I}} and {{gen|III}})<br>[[Pal Park]] ([[Generation IV]])
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:FL Seafoam Islands.png|100px]]
| [[File:HGSS Seafoam Islands-{{#switch: {{#time: G}}|4|5|6|7|8|9=Morning|10|11|12|13|14|15|16=Day|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|0|1|2|3=Night}}.png|100px]]
| [[Seafoam Islands]]
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:Silph Co FRLG.png|100px]]
| [[File:Silph Co HGSS.png|100px]]
| [[Silph Co.]]
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:FL Victory Road.png|100px]]
| [[File:HGSS Victory Road-{{#switch: {{#time: G}}|4|5|6|7|8|9=Morning|10|11|12|13|14|15|16=Day|17|18|19=Evening|20|21|22|23|0|1|2|3=Night}}.png|100px]]
| {{ka|Victory Road}}
|- style="background: #fff"
| [[File:FL Viridian Forest.png|100px]]
| [[File:HGSS Viridian Forest-{{#switch: {{#time: G}}|4|5|6|7|8|9=Morning|10|11|12|13|14|15|16=Day|17|18|19=Evening|20|21|22|23|0|1|2|3=Night}}.png|100px]]
| [[Viridian Forest]]
|- style="background: #fff"
! colspan="2" style="align=center" | [[File:Pokemon Stadium.png|110px]]
| {{OBP|Pokémon Stadium|stage}}<br>(according to its in-game location information in [[Super Smash Bros.]])
[[File:Kanto.png|thumb|right|250px|Mappa della regione di Kanto nei giochi di [[quarta generazione]]]]
Nella regione di Kanto i percorsi sono numerati dall'[[Percorso 1 (Kanto)|1]] al [[Percorso 25 (Kanto)|25]] nei giochi di [[prima generazione|prima]] e [[terza generazione]]. Sono stati invece introdotti i percorsi [[Percorso 26|26]], [[Percorso 27|27]] e [[Percorso 28|28]], che collegano Kanto a [[Johto]] nei giochi di [[seconda generazione|seconda]] e [[quarta generazione]].
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