Differenze tra le versioni di "Discussioni aiuto:Template"

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:* Some overused templates should not be edited in the daytime since they can easily make the entire website go down.
:However, if you want to suggest edits/improvements feel free to write in the template's talk page. --[[Utente:Lucas992|<span style="color: #E3CED0; background: #424B50;">&nbsp;'''Lucas992'''&nbsp;</span>]] • [[Discussioni utente:Lucas992|<span style="color: #C3C3C3; background: #444444; white-space: nowrap;">&nbsp;Hai bisogno?&nbsp;</span>]] [[Speciale:Contributi/Lucas992|<span class="small-text" style="color: #B69E00; background: #C0C0E1; white-space: nowrap;">&nbsp;O vuoi stalkerarmi?&nbsp;</span>]] 13:27, 31 dic 2019 (CET)
::If we want template documentations, we would need its designated namespace, its talk namespace and a template that would transclude them, with this code:
<pre style="margin-left: 3em">
{| style="background: #8cf; {{roundy|2.5ex}} width: 100%"
{{#ifexist:Documentazione template:{{PAGENAME}}|
! colspan=2 class="big-text" {{!}} Il seguente contenuto è una documentazione di questo template.
{{!}} style="background: white" class="roundy" colspan=2 | {{Documentazione template:{{PAGENAME}}}}
{{!}} class="small-text" {{!}} Visita [[Documentazione template:{{PAGENAME}}]] per modificare questo testo!
{{!}} style="text-align: right" {{!}} [ <span class="plainlinks">[{{fullurl:Template:{{PAGENAME}}|action=purge}} pulire la cache]</span> ] <span class="nomobile"> [ <span class="plainlinks">[{{fullurl:Template:{{PAGENAME}}|action=edit}} modifica]</span> ] [ <span class="plainlinks">[{{fullurl:Template:{{PAGENAME}}|action=history}} cronologia]</span> ]</span>|
! colspan=2 class="big-text error" | Errore: La documentazione di questo template non è stata ancora creata. Puoi crearlo [[Documentazione template:{{PAGENAME}}|qui]].}}
::Also, I'm not sure if I placed too much of the {&zwj;{!}&zwj;} magic word, or if it's missing in some places, but there MUST be a vertical pipe (|) character after the <code>&lt;/span&gt; ]&lt;/span&gt;</code>. A namespace index should be an even number, and it must be the following odd number for talk namespaces. Also, the {&zwj;{documentation}&zwj;} template should be placed always between &lt;noinclude&gt; tags. --[[Utente:Infernape4All.|<span style="color:#FF4422">Infernape4All.</span>]]<sub>[[Discussioni utente:Infernape4All.|<span style="color:#BB5544">discussioni</span>]]</sub> 21:31, 31 dic 2019 (CET)


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