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<div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap flex-items-center flex-main-space-around roundy-15 pull-center text-center width-xl-70 width-lg-95 width-md-100" style="{{#invoke: css | horizGrad | pcwiki | light | pcwiki | normale}} padding: 0 1ex 0.5ex 1ex;">
<div class="width-xl-100 big-text" style="padding: 0.5ex 0;>'''[[Libri Pokémon]]'''</div>
<div class="width-xl-20 width-md-100">'''Adattamenti dell'anime:'''</div>
<div class="width-xl-80 width-md-100 roundy" style="background: #fff; font-size: 90%; margin: 0.5ex 0;">
<div>[[Pocket Monsters Series]] • [[Serie di romanzi Pokémon tratti dall'anime]]</div>
<div>[[Serie di romanzi Pokémon tratti dall'anime (Francia)]] • {{OBP|Pokémon the First Movie|picture book}}</div>
<div class="width-xl-20 width-md-100">'''[[Pokémon Adventure Series]]:'''</div>
<div class="width-xl-80 width-md-100 roundy" style="background: #fff; font-size: 90%; margin: 0.5ex 0;">
<div>{{libro|Bye Bye Butterfree}} • {{OBP|Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon|libro illustrato}}</div>
<div>{{libro|Electric Shock Showdown}} • {{libro|A Shipful of Shivers}}</div>
<div class="width-xl-20 width-md-100">'''{{pkmn|Reader}}s:'''</div>
<div class="width-xl-80 width-md-100 roundy" style="background: #fff; font-size: 90%; margin: 0.5ex 0;">
<div>[[Un mondo di avventure]] • [[Pikachu in Love]] • [[Togepi Springs Into Action!]] • [[The Haunted Gym]]</div>
<div>[[Meet the Pokémon]] • [[Ash's Triple Threat]] • [[Battle for the Bolt Badge]] • [[Wrath of the Legends]]</div>
<div class="width-xl-20 width-md-100">'''Libri quiz:'''</div>
<div class="width-xl-80 width-md-100 roundy" style="background: #fff; font-size: 90%; margin: 0.5ex 0;">[[Pokémon Challenge]] • [[Pokémon - Il libro quiz]] • [[Pokémon Pop Quiz 2: The Johto Journeys|Pokémon Pop Quiz 2]] • [[Pokémon Pop Quiz 3: Brain Busters|Pokémon Pop Quiz 3]]</div>
<div class="width-xl-20 width-md-100">'''[[Pathways to Adventure]]:'''</div>
<div class="width-xl-80 width-md-100 roundy" style="background: #fff; font-size: 90%; margin: 0.5ex 0;">
<div>{{OBP|Pokémon|Pathways to Adventure}} • {{libro|Pokémon Snap}} • {{libro|Pokémon Gold/Silver}}</div>
<div>[[Pokémon Gold/Silver: The Adventure Continues!]]</div>
<div class="width-xl-20 width-md-100">'''[[Libri-portachiave Pokémon]]:'''</div>
<div class="width-xl-80 width-md-100 roundy" style="background: #fff; font-size: 90%; margin: 0.5ex 0;">[[Elettrico Pokémon (Libro-portachiave Pokémon)|Elettrico]] • [[Acqua Pokémon (Libro-portachiave Pokémon)|Acqua]] • [[Normale Pokémon (Libro-portachiave Pokémon)|Normale]] • [[Fuoco Pokémon (Libro-portachiave Pokémon)|Fuoco]]</div>
<div class="width-xl-20 width-md-100">'''Libri musicali:'''</div>
<div class="width-xl-80 width-md-100 roundy" style="background: #fff; font-size: 90%; margin: 0.5ex 0;">
<div>[[Pokémon hikeru ka na?]] • {{libro|Pokémon 2.B.A. Master}}</div>
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