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305 byte aggiunti ,  18:31, 25 lug 2016
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{{PokémonAdventuresInfobox |
title_en={{tt|You Need to Chill Out, Regice|VIZ Media}}/{{tt|VS. Regice|Chuang Yi}} |
title_ja=VS レジアイス |
title_ro=VS Regice |
volume=27 |
number=313 |
location=[[ParcoPiramide Lotta]]<br>[[Torre (terzaLotta generazione(Hoenn)|ParcoTorre Lotta]] |
prev_round=Chipping Away at Regirock |
next_round=A Sketchy Smattering of Smeargle}}
'''{{tt|You Need to Chill Out, Regice|VIZ Media}}/{{tt|VS. Regice|Chuang Yi}}''' o '''The Flying Star''' è il 313° round del {{pkmn2|manga}} [[Pokémon Adventures]].
{{Trama incompleta}}
<!--The round starts with {{DL|Brandon's legendary golemstitans|Regirock}}'s {{m|Explosion}} filling the top of the {{DL|Battle Frontier (Generation III)|Battle Pyramid}}. Regirock and {{TP|Emerald|Sceptile}} crash onto the ground, fainted from the powerful attack. {{adv|Emerald}} calls {{FB|Pyramid King|Brandon}} childish for using a move like Explosion, but Brandon states that in a showdown, he won't back down from a win. Brandon has Registeel attack, so Emerald sends out his next two Pokémon, {{adv|Crystal}}'s [[Bonee]] and [[Monlee]].
Emerald moves Sceptile to a counter and sends Monlee into battle. Monlee circles around Registeel with his fast speed and strikes it with a barrage of {{m|Fire Punch}}es. Emerald states that they will turn the tide of the battle by attacking furiously and has Monlee use {{m|Sky Uppercut}}. Monlee strikes Registeel with a powerful uppercut, sending it several feet into the air and knocking it out. Although he won the battle, Monlee suddenly falls to the ground and turns sickly. Emerald realizes that Registeel used {{m|Toxic}} when it was being attacked.
Since none of the items he picked up can heal Monlee, Emerald is unable to heal him before he keels over, defeated. Brandon points out that they both have one Pokémon left, but Emerald is at a disadvantage with the {{type|Ground}} Cubone against his {{type|Ice}} Regice. Regice attacks by stomping with its leg, which Bonee manages to block with its bone. Suddenly, Brandon is distracted by a bright flash in the sky, which is revealed to be [[Jirachi]].
Meanwhile, [[Todd Snap|the reporter]] runs out of the {{gdis|Battle Tower|III}} to see Emerald's battle and accidentally runs into another member of the press. The press member is revealed to be {{DL|Eon duo (Adventures)|Latias}} in yet another disguise. The reporter tells her that they need to hurry to see Emerald's battle, but Latias states that they have no need to be at the Battle Pyramid to see the battle. Suddenly, the reporter and Latias appear in the sky above the Battle Pyramid. Latias explains that {{DL|Eon duo (Adventures)|Latios}} has the ability to project what he sees to Latias, meaning that they can see the battle against Emerald and Brandon without leaving the Battle Tower.
The reporter notices that Emerald is losing the battle, and that he picked Sceptile, meaning that he chose the Open Level category. However, seeing Sceptile reminds the reporter that the [[Frontier BrainsBrain]]s know that the rental Pokémon were stolen, which means that since Emerald stole Sceptile, they'll assume that Emerald was the thief. Although the reporter gets worried that Emerald won't be able to clear his name, Latias points to a more important matter in the sky—Jirachi. Jirachi suddenly disappears from the sky, leaving the reporter and Brandon confused as to what it was.
Emerald gets angry at Brandon and demands that he payspay attention to their battle. Emerald mocks Brandon for stating that he'll finish the battle in a minute, while Bonee has managemanaged to block the attack for that long. Brandon gets annoyed and points out that Bonee's bone is shattering. Bonee is knocked out, and Brandon proudly proclaims that he's the winner of the battle, only for Regice to suddenly get knocked out by an attack. The attacker is revealed to be a revived Sceptile, who had beat Regice with a powerful {{m|Iron Tail}}.
Emerald reveals that when Brandon was distracted by the flash of light, he secretly put one of the 99 {{DL|Revive|Revive}}s he gathered into Sceptile's mouth. Brandon proudly commends Emerald's bravery for such a tactic and gives him the Brave Symbol as proof of his victory. As Emerald puts the Symbol into his {{DL|Trainer Card (game)|Frontier Pass}}, Brandon asks where the Sceptile came from. Emerald almost reveals that he stole it, but the reporter comes in and changes the subject to keep him quiet.
The reporter tries to drag Emerald away, but they are stopped by {{FB|Salon Maiden|Anabel}}, {{FB|Dome Ace|Tucker}}, {{FB|Pike Queen|Lucy}}, and {{FB|Arena Tycoon|Greta}}. Anabel demands that Emerald reveal where he got Sceptile from. Although the reporter begs him not to, Emerald casually states that he stole it from the {{DL|Battle Frontier (Generation III)|Battle Factory}}. Tucker attempts to hand Emerald over to the police, but Brandon comes down and states that Sceptile may not be a rental Pokémon.
Brandon explains that in the battle, Emerald and Sceptile used a strategy that required Sceptile to trust in Emerald completely, which is odd behavior for a rental Pokémon. Anabel tells Emerald that in order for him to prove his innocence, he will have to tell them everything he knows. Emerald accepts and takes out his [[Pokédex]] to begin telling them ofabout Jirachi.-->
==Eventi principali==
* {{Adv|Emerald}} sconfigge [[Re Piramide Baldo|Baldo]] ed ottiene il Simbolo Audacia.
* Gli [[Asso Lotta|Assi Lotta]] chiedono ad {{adv|Emerald}} di raccontargli tutto quello che sa.
* [[Raikou]] (di {{DL|Bestie leggendarie (Adventures)|Raikou|Alberta}})
* [[Crobat]] (di [[Sire Palazzo Spartaco|Spartaco]])
* [[Jirachi]]
* [[Latias]] ({{DL|Duo Eone (Adventures)|Latias|Adventures}})
* [[Latios]] ({{DL|Duo Eone (Adventures)|Latios|Adventures}})
* [[Jirachi]]
==In altre lingue==
|zh_cmn={{tt|VS 雷吉艾斯|VS Regice}}
|ko={{tt|VS 레지아이스|VS Regice}}
[[de:Kapitel 313 (Pocket Monsters SPECIAL)]]

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