Differenze tra le versioni di "LGA313"

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3 byte rimossi ,  22:43, 12 mag 2016
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m (r2.7.6) (Bot: Aggiungo zh:PS313)
{{Trama incompleta}}
<!--The round starts with {{DL|Brandon's legendary golems|Regirock}}'s {{m|Explosion}} filling the top of the Battle Pyramid. Regirock and {{TP|Emerald|Sceptile}} crash onto the ground, fainted from the powerful attack. {{adv|Emerald}} calls {{FB|Pyramid King|Brandon}} childish for using a move like Explosion, but Brandon states that in a showdown, he won't back down from a win. Brandon has Registeel attack, so Emerald sends out his next two Pokémon, {{adv|Crystal}}'s [[Cubone|Bonee]] and [[Monlee]].
Emerald moves Sceptile to a counter and sends Monlee into battle. Monlee circles around Registeel with his fast speed and strikes it with a barrage of {{m|Fire Punch}}es. Emerald states that they will turn the tide of the battle by attacking furiously and has Monlee use {{m|Sky Uppercut}}. Monlee strikes Registeel with a powerful uppercut, sending it several feet into the air and knocking it out. Although he won the battle, Monlee suddenly falls to the ground and turns sickly. Emerald realizes that Registeel used {{m|Toxic}} when it was being attacked.
* [[Cubone]] ([[Bonee]]; di {{Adv|Crystal}}; preso in prestito)
* [[Hitmonchan]] ([[Monlee]]/{{tt|Hitmonee|Chuang Yi}}; di {{Adv|Crystal}}; preso in prestito)
* [[Sceptile]] ({{OP|Emerald|Sceptile}})

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