Differenze tra le versioni di "Pokémon Theme"

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5 191 byte aggiunti ,  01:50, 15 feb 2014
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'''Pokémon Theme''' è la sigla d'apertura inglese utilizzato per l'[[anime]]. È stato utilizzato da [[EP001]] a [[EP083]]. Comparendo in ottantatré episodi è attualmente la sigla rimasta più a lungo. Le scene sono le stesse della sigla giapponese chiamata [[Mezase Pokémon Master]].
La sigla è stata scritta e prodotta da [[John Loeffler]], ed è cantata da [[Jason Paige]].
==Animazione di apertura: Dub OP 1==
The clip begins with Mewtwo and a shining Mew floating in space, as the camera focuses on Earth, while the sun starts to rise. The next scene shows Ash alone in a stadium. After that, a Squirtle, Cubone and Pidgeotto are shown quickly, before changing to a Bulbasaur being caught, to which Ash snaps excitedly. Shortly afterwards, the camera shows a Haunter using Lick on Charmander, paralyzing him. Ash then flips his hat backwards and throws a Poké Ball to the camera. In the following scene, Ash can be seen running along with his Pikachu, an Arcanine and a Rapidash, who then jumps to the skies, disappearing between the legendary birds, who are flying around. Then, a short clip of a Sandshrew unrolling itself, a Kadabra and Charmander is shown, followed by Ash and Pikachu sitting on a Lapras, as they watch a Gyarados jumping out of the water, and a Dragonair jumping in. After that, a Poké Ball is seen trapping a Pokémon who has turned into red energy. A battle between Pikachu and Raichu is seen, with the former dodging a Body Slam of the latter; and then, a Caterpie bracing for an Ekans' and a Koffing's incoming attack. In the next scene, Ash is seen hugging his Pikachu, followed by a giant Tentacruel attacking a building. Ash then is seen holding a Poké Ball; followed by an Onix. Later, Ash appears to be looking at the screen, when Misty and Brock appear on either side of him, followed by Jessie and James rising up in front of them. Koffing, Meowth and Ekans jump up next, followed by Gary holding a Poké Ball. The camera then runs across Charizard while using Flamethrower, Blastoise while using Hydro Pump and Venusaur; before Pikachu runs between Ash and a Lass and jumps. The next scene introduces Professor Oak, Delia Ketchum, Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy, as they nod, the camera then shows a giant Charizard using Flamethrower, and Ash and his friends hide behind a boulder, later, a Squirtle is seen running towards Ash, followed by a hug. The camera does a close-up on Pikachu, and subsequently zooms out, showing Pikachu standing on a Pidgeotto, a Zubat holding a Squirtle, and a Butterfree holding Bulbasaur. The last scene then shows up, on which Ash raises his feet and throws the Poké Ball to the screen, much like a Baseball pitcher, followed by a spinning Poké Ball and the Pokémon logo.
''I wanna be the very best''<br>
''Like no one ever was''<br>
''Voglio essere il [[Campione|migliore]]''<br>
''Come nessuno è mai stato''<br>
*Ash riceve il suo Pokémon iniziale, [[Pikachu di Ash|Pikachu]]
*Cattura del [[Bulbasaur di Ash]]
*[[Misty (anime)|Misty]]
*[[Infermiera Joy]]
*[[Agente Jenny]]
*[[Butterfree]] ([[Butterfree di Ash|di Ash]])
*Questa canzone è apparsa più volte in alcuni episodi della prima e della seconda stagione dei Pokémon come musica di sottofondo di alcune scene, in Italia in queste scene all'inizio veniva usata la versione Americana, però successivamente è stata utilizzata la versione del film dei Pokémon [[F01|Mewtwo Colpisce Ancora]], che era doppiata in italiano.
*Attualmente la versione italiana doppiata ufficiale è la versione del primo film dei Pokémon, anche se nel 2010 è stata doppiata la versione televisiva da parte di Studio Asci, cantata da [[Fabio Ingrosso]] per la futura messa in onda della prima serie dei Pokémon ridoppiata.
==Animazione di apertura: Dub OP 17==
{{PrevNext| prevlink=Per Sempre Io e Te | prev=Per Sempre Io e Te | next=Nessuna | list=Elenco delle sigle inglesi | colorscheme=Kalos}} {{Canzone| type=Dub OP 17 | language=en | title=Pokémon Theme (Version XY) | screen=hd| screenshot=OPE17.png| artist=en | artistname=Ben Dixon e The Sad Truth| lyricist=en | lyricistname=[[John Loeffler]] | composer=en | composername=[[John Siegler]] e [[John Loeffler]]| composername_ro= | arranger=en | arrangername=Ed Goldfarb | choreographer=none | choreographername= | choreographername_ro= | album= | albumtitle= | catalognumber= | recordcompany= | colorscheme=Kalos | footnotes=}}
A thick mist clears and Ash, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie are shown on a hill. Ash and Pikachu are shown while the scene split diagonally, with the other half showing Ash and Pikachu eating sandwiches. The next scene shows Serena while the scene split diagonally, with the other half showing Serena and her Fennekin while she chooses between two hats. She throws the red hat away and wears the pink hat. Clemont and Bonnie are then shown and the scene split diagonally, with the other half showing Clemont fixing one of his inventions while Bonnie chased after Chespin and Dedenne. His invention explodes and Bonnie lies on the floor.<br/> The [[Team Rocket trio]] are on their balloon, holding binoculars. Meowth accidentally falls and Jessie and James try to grab him. {{TP|Jessie|Wobbuffet}} comes out of its [[Poké Ball]] and the trio falls out of their balloon. Ash commands Pikachu to use {{m|Quick Attack}}. Chespin uses {{m|Pin Missile}}, while Clemont instructs Bunnelby to use {{m|Dig}}. Bonnie jumps for joy while Dedenne uses {{m|Thunder Shock}}. Serena is shown while Fennekin uses {{m|Ember}}. Ash is then shown while Froakie shoots {{m|Water Pulse}}, and Fletchling uses {{m|Steel Wing}}. Pikachu finally uses {{m|Electro Ball}}. Lucario is seen [[Mega Evolution|Mega Evolving]]. Ash and his friends are running outside a restaurant.<br/>
The "Pokémon Gotta catch 'em all!" logo is shown while the following scenes are in the background. Two Vivillon and three Swanna are flying in the sky near a grape tree. A school of Luvdisc, a school of Remoraid, a Gorebyss, Octillery and Mantyke are swimming in the ocean. Two Furret are in a garden of flowers while four Swanna fly in the sky. A town near the pier is drizzling. A Parasol Lady, a lady with a female Meowstic, a Quagsire holding a leaf to shield itself from the rain are in the town. Three Wooper and a Ducklett are on the pier. A Lotad and a Lombre are in the water, while a Magikarp leaps out of the water. Several Pidgey soar into the sky. The "Gotta catch 'em all!" slogan disappears, and "the Series XY" appears below the "Pokémon" logo.
{{Sigle inglesi|kanto}}
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