Differenze tra le versioni di "Cronologia degli eventi in Pokémon Adventures"

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| style="text-align:center;" |''[[PS383|Winning Over Wingull]]''
* {{adv|Pearl}}, [[Chatler]] ande [[Chimler]] findtrovano thele [[Fonderie Fuego Ironworks]] and realize thate itscoprono ische beingsono usedusate bydal [[Team GalacticGalassia]].
* Pearl seesvede auna {{p|Luxray|familiarfaccia facefamiliare}}.
|-style="background: #fff"
| style="text-align:center;" |''[[PS384|Maddening Magby]]''
* {{adv|Pearl}} issi reunited withriunisce a {{p|Luxray}} heche hadha metincontrato [[PS349|severalqualche weekssettimana agoprima]].
* Pearl rescuessalva il [[MrSig. Fuego]] anded il hissuo {{p|Shellos}} fromdal acrollo brickeddi upun wallmuro.
* Pearl si trova improvvisamente su un nastro diretto ad una fornace
* Pearl suddenly steps on the transfer belt heading straight to the blast furnace.
|-style="background: #fff"
| style="text-align:center;" |''[[PS385|Showdown with Houndoom]]''
* {{p|Luxray}} savessalva {{adv|Pearl}} fromdalla the molten furnacefornace, burning its back inbruciandosi theil processdidietro.
* Pearl ande Luxray battlecombattono aun {{p|Houndoom}} ande winvincono.
* Pearl capturescattura the wildil Luxray andselvatico e nameslo itsoprannomina Rayler.
|-style="background: #fff"
| style="text-align:center;" |''[[PS386|Disagreeable Graveler]]''
* {{adv|Platinum}} meetsincontra [[CandiceBianca]].
* Platinum receivesriceve wintervestiti clothinginvernali.
|-style="background: #fff"
| style="text-align:center;" |''[[PS387|Striking Out Snover]]''
* {{adv|Platinum}} meetsincontra [[CandiceBianca]].
* Platinum indossa i vestiti invernali e si precipita in Palestra.
* Platinum switches to her winter clothing however she quickly takes it off when traveling to her upcoming [[Gym]] Battle.
* Platinum meets up withincontra [[MayleneMarzia]].
* Platinum ande CandiceBianca begininiziano theirla Gymloro battlelotta.
|-style="background: #fff"
| style="text-align:center;" |''[[PS388|To and Fro with Froslass]]''
* {{adv|Platinum}} winsvince againstcontro [[CandiceBianca]], earningguadagnando her thela [[BadgeMedaglia|Icicle BadgeGhiacciolo]].
* PlatinumViene isrivelato revealedche toPlatinum haveha caughtcatturato aun [[Lopunny]] alongdurante theil wayviaggio.
|-style="background: #fff"
| style="text-align:center;" |''[[PS389|Cautious Clefairy]]''
* {{adv|Pearl}} meets up withincontra [[RadGigi RickshawManubrio]].
|-style="background: #fff"
| style="text-align:center;" |''[[PS390|Licking Lickitung]]''
* {{adv|Diamond}} isviene attackedattaccato byda aun {{p|Lickitung}}.
|-style="background: #fff"
| style="text-align:center;" |''[[PS391|Luring in a Lickilicky]]''
* {{adv|Diamond}} makesfa hisla firstsua captureprima cattura, aun {{p|Lickilicky}}.
|-style="background: #fff"
| style="text-align:center;" |''[[PS392|Well Met, Weepinbell]]''
* {{adv|Diamond}} arrivesarriva ata casa di {{adv|Platinum}}'s house ina [[Sandgem TownSabbiafine]].
|-style="background: #fff"
| style="text-align:center;" |''[[PS393|Yikes, Yanmega! I]]''
* {{adv|Diamond}} ande {{adv|Sebastian}}vanno goa to rescuesalvare [[RoseanneRosabella]] fromda theuno swarmsciame ofdi {{p|Yanmega}}.
|-style="background: #fff"
| style="text-align:center;" |''[[PS394|Yikes, Yanmega! II]]''
* {{adv|Diamond}} managesriesce toa defeatsconfiggere thelo swarmsciame ofdi {{p|Yanmega}} atrimettendoci thei cost of his clothesvestiti.
* [[MarsMartes]] arrivesarriva atal [[LakeLago VerityVerità]].
|-style="background: #fff"
| style="text-align:center;" |''[[PS395|Stopping Sableye]]''
* {{adv|Diamond}} arrivesarriva homea andcasa changese hissi clothescambia beforei learningvestiti hisprima motherdi hasscoprire beenche kidnappedsua andmadre runsè offstata torapita savee herscappa per salvarla.
* {{adv|Platinum}}, [[MayleneMarzia]], ande [[CandiceBianca]] arevengono attackedattaccati byda [[JupiterGiovia]].
* Through Platinum's birthdaycompie gli anni.
|-style="background: #fff"
| style="text-align:center;" |''[[PS396|Getting Past Gastrodon]]''
* {{adv|Diamond}} arrivesarriva atla [[LakeLago VerityVerità]] ande findstrova hissua mothermadre kidnappedrapita byda [[MarsMartes]].
* {{adv|Platinum}}, [[MayleneMarzia]], ande [[CandiceBianca]] arevengono defeatedsconfitti byda [[JupiterGiovia]].
|-style="background: #fff"
| style="text-align:center;" |''[[PS397|Outwitting Octillery]]''
* {{adv|Diamond}} rescuessalva hissua mothermadre ande attemptstenta todi attackattaccare the Galacticil airshipdirigibile butdel isTeam stoppedGalassia, byma viene fermato da [[MarsMartes]].
* {{adv|Pearl}} arrivesarriva atal [[LakeLago ValorValore]], butma isviene attackedattaccato byda [[SaturnSaturno]].
* Diamond, Pearl, ande {{adv|Platinum}} areriescono powerlessa tonon stopfar theesplodere Galacticla bombBomba from exploding.Galassia
|-style="background: #fff"
| style="text-align:center;" |''[[PS398|Tackling Tangrowth]]''
* Viene rivelato il bersaglio della Bomba Galassia: il [[Lago Valore]].
* The Galactic bomb's target is revealed, [[Lake Valor]].
* I [[Guardiani dei Lgahi]] risorgono dai loro laghi.
* The Lake Guardians rise from their lakes as a response to Lake Valor being blown up.
* {{p|Uxie}} isviene capturedcatturato.
* {{adv|Platinum}}, [[MayleneMarzia]], ande [[CandiceBianca]] arevengono completelysconfitti defeated byda [[JupiterGiovia]].
|-style="background: #fff"
| style="text-align:center;" |''[[PS399|Mixing It Up with Machamp]]''
* {{p|Mesprit}}viene is capturedcatturato.
* {{adv|Pearl}} triescerca todi protectproteggere {{p|Azelf}} fromda [[SaturnSaturno]], butma failsfallisce.
|-style="background: #fff"
| style="text-align:center;" |''[[PS400|Bogging Down Quagsire]]''
* {{adv|Diamond}} infiltratessi theinfiltra Galacticnel airshipdirigibile thatGalassia isdove holdingviene tenuto {{p|Mesprit}}.
* {{adv|Platinum}}, [[CandiceBianca]], ande [[MayleneMarzia]] arerimangono leftbloccati strandeddal in the freezing coldfreddo.
* [[Crasher WakeOmar]] arrivesarriva ande savessalva the dyingil {{p|Magikarp}} withmorente acon Rainuna Dance[[Pioggiadanza]].
|-style="background: #fff"
| style="text-align:center;" |''[[PS401|Besting Buizel I]]''
* {{adv|Pearl}} beginsinizia hisil trainingsuo withallenamento con [[Crasher Wake|WakeOmar]].
|-style="background: #fff"
| style="text-align:center;" |''[[PS402|Besting Buizel II]]''
* {{adv|Pearl}} capturescattura aun {{p|Buizel}} alonginsieme withad twoaltri otherdue Pokémon.
|-style="background: #fff"
| style="text-align:center;" |''[[PS403|Cleaning Up Grimer]]''
* Viene rivelato che {{adv|Diamond}} is revealed to have sneakedè ontonascosto thenel Galacticdirigibile airshipGalassia.
* DiamondViene isrivelato revealedche toDiamond beè aun fan ofdi {{adv|Red}}.
* {{adv|Pearl}} revealsrivela hisla fullsua teamsquadra completa.
|-style="background: #fff"
| style="text-align:center;" |''[[PS405|Shorting Out Electivire]]''
* [[CandiceBianca]], [[MayleneMarzia]], ande {{adv|Platinum}} arrivearrivano atal thepunto meetingd'incontro placedopo afteressere beingstati beatensconfitti byda [[JupiterGiovia]].
* {{adv|Platinum}} startsinizia herla lastsua Sinnohultima Gymlotta battlein withPalestra contro [[VolknerCorrado]].
|-style="background: #fff"
| style="text-align:center;" |''[[PS406|Halting Honchkrow]]''
* {{adv|Pearl}} arrivesarriva atal thequartier Galacticgenerale HQdel BuildingTeam withGalassia thecon helpl'aiuto ofdei hissuoi oldvecchi friendsamici, [[Pearl (Adventures)#BefriendedAmicizia|Grumpy ande Flaky]].
* La [[Rossocatena]] è completa.
* The Red Chain is completed.
* [[SaturnSaturno]], [[JupiterGiovia]], ande [[MarsMartes]] arrivearrivano atalla the Spear[[Vetta Pillar andLancia]] waited foraspettano [[Cyrus]].
* Cyrus isviene attackedattaccato byda [[CynthiaCamilla]].
|-style="background: #fff"
| style="text-align:center;" |''[[PS407|Chancing Upon Chingling]]''
* {{adv|Diamond}} infiltratessi theinfiltra Teamnel Galcticquartier HQgenerale del Team butGalassia isma confrontedviene byfermato thedalla [[AdvancedRecluta levellivello GruntAvanzato]].
* Viene rivelato che {{adv|Platinum}} isha revealedguadagnato tola have won the Beacon Badge{{Medaglia|Faro}}.
|-style="background: #fff"
| style="text-align:center;" |''[[PS408|High-tailing It from Haunter]]''
* {{adv|Diamond}} battlessfida thela [[AdvancedRecluta levellivello GruntAvanzato]] ande findstiene thela roomstanza holdingche contiene {{p|Uxie}}, {{p|Mesprit}}, anded {{p|Azelf}}.
* [[Don]]si evolvesevolve intoin aun {{p|Bastiodon}} anded learnsimpara la mossa {{m|Metal BurstMetalscoppio}} in the process.
* {{adv|Pearl}} ande {{adv|Platinum}} slowlysi lookcercano for each otherreciprocamente.
|-style="background: #fff"
| style="text-align:center;" |''[[PS409|Shunning Spiritomb]]''
* [[CynthiaCamilla]] ande [[Cyrus]] battlesi each otherscontrano.
* Cyrus escapesscappa fromdalla thelotta battlecon withCamilla Cynthiatroppo tooesausta exhaustedper to followinseguirlo.
|-style="background: #fff"
| style="text-align:center;" |''[[PS410|Creeping Away from Cradily]]''
* I [[Dex Holder]] di Sinnoh si riuniscono.
* The Sinnoh Dex Holders reunite.
* AtA thecosto costdei ofloro their PokédexesPokédex, the Sinnohi Dex HoldersHolder freedi Sinnoh liberano {{p|Uxie}}, {{p|Azelf}}, ande {{p|Mesprit}}.
* [[JupiterGiovia]], [[MarsMartes]], ande [[SaturnSaturno]] aresi confrontedsfidano bycontro thei [[Gym LeadersCapopalestra]].
* [[Cyrus]] summonsevoca {{p|Dialga}} ande {{p|Palkia}}.
|-style="background: #fff"
| style="text-align:center;" |''[[PS411|Double Trouble with Dialga and Palkia I]]''
* [[CynthiaCamilla]] findstrova {{adv|Pearl}}, {{adv|Platinum}}, ande {{adv|Diamond}} unconscious andincoscienti takese themli toporta thealla [[SpearVetta PillarLancia]].
* Platinum givesd Diamonda a Diamond un [[Mamoswine]].
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