Differenze tra le versioni di "Utente:En-Cu-Kou/Report"

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nessun oggetto della modifica
Non parlo italiano. ''<span style="color:red;">Si prega di non utilizzare questa pagina, se non si capisce l'inglese!</span>''
<!-- that was from Google Translate, hopefully it's correct. -->
If you do understand, you can translate the introduction & messages (and leave the original English as HTML comments <!-- like this --> )<br>
The messages:
* In template parameter X: Expected Y, got Z
* Unknown template parameter: X
* Missing template parameter: X (should be Y)
* Duplicate template parameter: X
* Article missing
== How to use this ==
Please ''<span style="color:red;">review every piece of information</span">'' and ''don't edit if you're not sure''. The database (and my method of extracting data from it) is not perfect.
If a line is wrong (i.e. the wiki is right), or if you're not sure, please bring up the subject on [[{{TALKPAGENAME}}|the talk page]].
If the wiki is wrong, correct it. Then remove the corresponding line(s) from this list, so others won't have to check again.
; Notes:
: The move infobox checker is copied from Bulbapedia with little changes. Let me know if Pokémon Central does things differently. I don't understand Italian templates :(
: The checker code is available at https://github.com/encukou/pokemwdb. The database is at http://git.veekun.com/pokedex.git. Ask if you want help installing it.
== The list ==
Checking report for http://wiki.pokemoncentral.it/
Wiki revision 130460 (2011-09-03 14:38:01.987379)
This report shows:
* Errors and ommissions in the checking script
* Errors in the database
* Errors on the wiki
It's up to humans to decide which is which.
==I messaggi==
7 630


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