
da Pokémon Central Wiki, l'enciclopedia Pokémon in italiano.
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Test widget to have additional CSS/JS for LPA maps.

The styles are from WikiDex, all credits to the original author(s).

<style> .zoomablemap { border: 1px solid brown; }

.lpamap { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr; }

.lpamap > div { grid-row-start: 1; grid-column-start: 1; }

.zoomablemap .markupmap {

 cursor: crosshair;


.zoomablemap .mapcontent.dragging .markupmap {

 cursor: inherit;


.LPAinteractivo .det > span, .LPAinteractivo .map > span {

 display: inline-block;
 border: 1px solid #3c335f;
 border-radius: 5px;
 padding: 2px 6px;
 margin-right: .5em;
 background: #3c335f;
 color: #fff;
 font-size: 90%;
 white-space: nowrap;
 cursor: pointer;


.LPAinteractivo .det > input, .LPAinteractivo .map > input {

 float: left;
 margin-left: -50px;
 z-index: -1;
 opacity: 0.01;

} .LPAinteractivo .det > input:checked + span, .LPAinteractivo .map > input:checked + span {

 background: #bbf;
 color: #333;


/* Zoomable map

  • /

.zoomablemap { position: relative; overflow: auto; }

.zoomablemap.loadcomplete { overflow: hidden; }

.zoomablemap > .mapcontent { position: relative; height: 90vh; overflow: hidden; cursor: move; user-select: none; touch-action: none; }

.zoomablemap > .mapcontent > .mapinner { transform-origin: left top; }

/* revertir el CSS aplicado a móviles, que causa que las imágenes se reduzcan hasta caber en pantalla */ /* .zoomablemap .mapinner img { height: inherit !important; max-width: inherit !important; }

  • /

.zoomablemap.loadcomplete > .mapcontent > .mapinner { transition: transform .5s, height .5s; }

.zoomablemap.loadcomplete > .mapcontent.pointerdown > .mapinner { transition: none; }

.zoomablemap > .mapcontrols { position: absolute; top: 10px; left: 10px; width: 20px; font-family: sans-serif; box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #777; user-select: none; }

.zoomablemap > .mapcontrols > .control { box-sizing: border-box; width: 20px; height: 20px; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; line-height: 18px; background: #eeeeee; background: linear-gradient(135deg, #eeeeee 0%,#cccccc 100%); color: #000000; border: 1px solid #222; cursor: pointer; }

.zoomablemap > .mapcontrols > .control:active { background: linear-gradient(315deg, #eeeeee 0%,#cccccc 100%); } </style>



 * ZoomableMap v1.5
 * Copyright (c) 2022 Jesús Martínez (User:Ciencia_Al_Poder)
 * Permite hacer scroll y zoom en una imagen grande dentro de una página
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version
(function( $ ) {
'use strict';

var _sensibility = 2,
    _init = function() {
    $( '.zoomablemap' ).each( function() {
        $( this ).data( 'zoomablemap', new ZoomableMap( this ) );
    } );
_initZoomableMap = function() {
    var $controls, $zoomin, $zoomout;
    this.$mapCont = $( '
' ).append( $('
').append( this.$el.contents() ) ); $controls = $( '
' ); $zoomin = $( '
' ).text( '+' ).on( 'click', _eventDelegate( this, _zoomIn ) ); $zoomout = $( '
' ).text( '-' ).on( 'click', _eventDelegate( this, _zoomOut ) ); $controls.append( $zoomin, $zoomout ); this.$el.append( this.$mapCont, $controls ); this.$mapCont.on( { pointerdown: _eventDelegate( this, _pointerDown ), wheel: _eventDelegate( this, _wheel ) } ); _updateScale.call( this, -1 ); this.$el.addClass( 'loadcomplete' ); }, _eventDelegate = function( thisArg, fn ) { return function( e ) { return fn.call( thisArg, e ); }; }, _zoomIn = function() { _updateScale.call( this, 0.1 ); return false; }, _zoomOut = function() { _updateScale.call( this, -0.1 ); return false; }, _wheel = function( e ) { _updateScale.call( this, e.originalEvent.deltaY > 0 ? -0.1 : 0.1 ); return false; }, _updateScale = function( delta ) { var rect, newScale, minScale, innerDimensions; newScale = this.scale + delta; if ( newScale < 0.1 ) { newScale = 0.1; } innerDimensions = _getInnerDimensions.call( this ); // If the element is hidden (collapsible sections) this will be an empty array rect = this.$mapCont[0].getClientRects(); if ( !rect || rect.length === 0 ) { return; } // Lower limit is to fit the contents on the current width minScale = Math.min( rect[0].width / innerDimensions.width, rect[0].height / innerDimensions.height ); if ( newScale < minScale ) { newScale = minScale; } if ( newScale > 1 ) { newScale = 1; } this.scale = newScale; this.$mapCont.find( '> .mapinner' ).eq( 0 ).css( { transform: 'scale(' + String( newScale ) + ')', height: String( innerDimensions.height * newScale ) + 'px' } ); }, _pointerDown = function( e ) { var pos = _getEventCoordinates( e, this.$mapCont[0] ); e = e.originalEvent; // Retarget all pointer events (until pointerup) this.$mapCont[0].setPointerCapture( e.pointerId ); if ( e.isPrimary ) { this.dragStartPoint = pos; this.pointerCache = []; this.initialPointerDistance = 0; this.$mapCont.on( { 'pointermove': _eventDelegate( this, _dragMove ), 'pointerup': _eventDelegate( this, _dragEnd ) } ); this.$mapCont.addClass( 'pointerdown' ); } // Allow max 2 pointers if ( this.pointerCache !== null && this.pointerCache.length < 2 ) { this.pointerCache.push( { id: e.pointerId, x: pos.x, y: pos.y } ); // On 2nd pointer, set initial zoom position if ( !e.isPrimary ) { this.initialPointerDistance = _getPointDistance.call( this ); this.initialPinchZoomScale = this.scale; } } return false; }, _dragMove = function( e ) { var newPos, newProps, newDistance; newPos = _getEventCoordinates( e, this.$mapCont[0] ); e = e.originalEvent; // This should never happen if ( this.pointerCache === null ) { return; } // Update point cache for ( var i = 0; i < this.pointerCache.length; i++ ) { if ( this.pointerCache[ i ].id == e.pointerId ) { this.pointerCache[ i ].x = newPos.x; this.pointerCache[ i ].y = newPos.y; break; } } if ( e.isPrimary ) { newProps = { scrollLeft: this.dragStartPoint.scrollLeft - newPos.x + this.dragStartPoint.x, scrollTop: this.dragStartPoint.scrollTop - newPos.y + this.dragStartPoint.y }; this.$mapCont.prop( newProps ); } if ( this.pointerCache.length == 2 && this.initialPointerDistance > 0 ) { newDistance = _getPointDistance.call( this ); _updateScale.call( this, this.initialPinchZoomScale * newDistance / this.initialPointerDistance - this.scale ); } if ( !this.dragging ) { this.$mapCont.addClass( 'dragging' ); this.dragging = true; } }, _dragEnd = function( e ) { var newPos, propagate = false; e = e.originalEvent; if ( !this.pointerCache ) { return; } // Remove pointer from cache for ( var i = 0; i < this.pointerCache.length; i++ ) { if ( this.pointerCache[ i ].id == e.pointerId ) { this.pointerCache.splice( i, 1 ); break; } } if ( !e.isPrimary ) { return; } newPos = _getEventCoordinates( e, this.$mapCont[0] ); // If it hasn't scrolled, propagate the event if ( Math.abs( newPos.x - this.dragStartPoint.x ) <= _sensibility && Math.abs( newPos.y - this.dragStartPoint.y ) <= _sensibility ) { propagate = true; } this.$mapCont.off( 'pointermove pointerup' ).removeClass( 'pointerdown' ); this.dragStartPoint = null; this.dragging = false; this.$mapCont.removeClass( 'dragging' ); this.pointerCache = null; if ( propagate ) { this.$el.trigger( $.Event( 'mapclick', { clientX: e.clientX, clientY: e.clientY } ) ); } }, _getPointDistance = function() { var xx, yy; xx = this.pointerCache[ 0 ].x - this.pointerCache[ 1 ].x; yy = this.pointerCache[ 0 ].y - this.pointerCache[ 1 ].y; return Math.sqrt( xx * xx + yy * yy ); }, /* Given an event and element, returns pointer coordinates and scroll position of element */ _getEventCoordinates = function( event, el ) { return { x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY, scrollLeft: el.scrollLeft, scrollTop: el.scrollTop }; }, _getInnerDimensions = function() { var innerEl; if ( !this.innerDimensions ) { innerEl = this.$mapCont.find( '> .mapinner' )[0]; if ( innerEl.scrollWidth === 0 || innerEl.scrollHeight === 0 ) { return null; } this.innerDimensions = { width: innerEl.scrollWidth, height: innerEl.scrollHeight }; } return this.innerDimensions; }; // Class ZoomableMap function ZoomableMap( el ) { this.$el = $( el ); this.$mapCont = null; this.dragStartPoint = null; this.dragging = false; this.scale = 1; this.pointerCache = null; this.innerDimensions = null; this.initialPointerDistance = 0; this.initialPinchZoomScale = 0; _initZoomableMap.call( this ); } $(_init); })( jQuery ); </script> <script> /* * LPAInteractiveMaps * Copyright (c) 2022 Pokémon Central * * Interactive maps for Leggende Pokémon: Arceus on Pokémon Central Wiki * * This program is heavily based on MapaLPAInteractivo v1.5 by Jesús Martínez * (https://www.wikidex.net/wiki/MediaWiki:Gadget-MapaLPAInteractivo.js) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version */ (function( $ ) { 'use strict'; // WARNING: No soporta múltiples mapas en una página var _buckets = {}, _mapData = {}, _svg = null, _downCoords = null, _sensibility = 5, _pointRadius = 15, _originalWidth = 2048, _originalHeight = 2048, _selectedPoint = null, _useMapUpFallback = true, _expandedPointTypes = { s: 'm_estrella', a: 'm_arbol', c: 'm_caja', r: 'm_roca', w: 'm_distorsion' }, _init = function() { $( 'table.LPAinteractivo' ).each( _initializeTable ); }, _initializeTable = function() { var $table = $( this ), origTablePosition, localPoints; // This thing of detaching and reattaching the table is used to remove the // table if anything goes wrong during the load origTablePosition = _detachElement( $table ); try { $table.find( '> tbody > tr[data-principal]' ).each( function() { var $tr = $( this ), $td = $tr.find( '> td:eq(2)' ); if ( $tr.data( 'principal' ) === 1 ) { $( '<label class="det"><input type="checkbox"/>Dettagli</label> ' ).prependTo( $td ); } $( '<label class="map"><input type="checkbox"/>Mappa</label> ' ).prependTo( $td ); } ).filter( '[data-principal="0"]' ).each( function() { // Hide secondary var $tr = $( this ).hide(), $prev = $tr.prev(); // if ( $prev.hasClass( 'sep' ) ) { // $prev.hide(); // } localPoints = _parsePointData( $tr.data( 'pointdata' ) ); // Generate id for coordinates $tr.data( 'ids', $.map( localPoints, function( el ) { return el.id; } ).join( ',' ) ); } ); $table.on( 'change', _onChange ); _generateMap(); } catch( e ) { console.log(e); } if (window.console) { console.log('_reattachElement', $table, origTablePosition); } _reattachElement( $table, origTablePosition ); $( '.lpamap .markupmap' ).eq( 0 ).on( { mousedown: _mapDown, mouseup: _mapUp } ).closest( '.zoomablemap' ).on( { mapclick: _zoomableMapClick } ); }, /* * Remove and element from the DOM without deleting it (ie. detach it), and * returns its former position (either its previous sibiling, if any, or its * parent) */ _detachElement = function( $el ) { var $prev, $parent; $prev = $el.prev(); $parent = $el.parent(); $el.detach(); if ( $prev.length > 0 ) { return [ $prev, null ]; } return [ null, $parent ]; }, /* * Reattach an element detached with _detachElement */ _reattachElement = function( $el, origPosition ) { if ( origPosition[0] ) { $el.insertAfter( origPosition[0] ); } else { $el.prependTo( origPosition[1] ); } }, /* * Handler for changed selected checkbox. It determines wheter it's a "detail" * or "map" checkbox, and dispatches the right sub-handler (right below). */ _onChange = function( e ) { var $target = $( e.target ), $label = $target.closest( 'label' ), checked = $target.is( ':checked' ), $tr; $tr = $target.closest( 'tr' ); if ( $label.hasClass( 'det' ) ) { _detailsChange( $tr, checked ); } else if ( $label.hasClass( 'map' ) ) { _mapChange( $tr, $target, checked ); } }, /* * Handler for a change in the selected "details" checkbox */ _detailsChange = function( $tr, checked ) { var pp, fn, $prev; fn = checked ? 'show' : 'hide'; while ( 1 ) { $tr = $tr.next(); pp = $tr.data( 'principal' ); if ( $tr.length === 0 || pp === 1 ) { break; } if ( typeof( pp ) == 'undefined' ) { continue; } $tr[ fn ](); $prev = $tr.prev(); if ( $prev.hasClass( 'sep' ) ) { $prev[ fn ](); } } }, /* * Handler for a change in the selected "map" checkbox */ _mapChange = function( $tr, $target, checked ) { var $lch, $input2, recomputeList = false, $tr2, $tr3, points, $table; $table = $tr.closest( 'table' ); $lch = $table.find( 'label.map > input:checked' ); // TODO what does this if do? if ( _selectedPoint ) { _reapplyTableRowVisibility( $table ); _selectedPoint = null; } if ( !checked ) { if ( _selectedPoint || $tr.data( 'principal' ) === 1 ) { // If there's a selected point, or it's the group heading, uncheck all $lch.each( function() { this.checked = false; } ); $lch = $(); } else { // If it's the detail row, unckeck the group heading $tr2 = $tr; while ( 1 ) { $tr2 = $tr2.prev(); if ( $tr2.length === 0 ) { break; } if ( $tr2.data( 'principal' ) === 1 ) { $input2 = $tr2.find( 'label.map > input' ); if ( $input2[0].checked ) { $input2[0].checked = false; recomputeList = true; } break; } } } } else { if ( $tr.data( 'principal' ) === 1 ) { // If it's the group heading, mark all from the group, but first unmark everything $lch.each( function() { this.checked = false; } ); $tr2 = $tr; while ( 1 ) { $tr2 = $tr2.next(); if ( $tr2.length === 0 || $tr2.data( 'principal' ) === 1 ) { break; } $input2 = $tr2.find( 'label.map > input' ); $input2[0].checked = true; recomputeList = true; } $target[0].checked = true; } else { // Secondary check marked if ( $lch.length > 1 ) { // Check a *different* row if ( $lch[0] === $target[0] ) { $tr2 = $lch.eq( 1 ).closest( 'tr' ); } else { $tr2 = $lch.eq( 0 ).closest( 'tr' ); } while ( 1 ) { if ( $tr2.length === 0 || $tr2.data( 'principal' ) === 1 ) { break; } $tr2 = $tr2.prev(); } // Check against our row $tr3 = $tr; while ( 1 ) { if ( $tr3.length === 0 || $tr3.data( 'principal' ) === 1 ) { break; } $tr3 = $tr3.prev(); } if ( $tr3.length === 0 || $tr2.length === 0 || $tr3[0] !== $tr2[0] ) { // Different group. Unmark all $lch.each( function() { this.checked = false; } ); $lch = $target.prop( 'checked', true ); } } } } if ( recomputeList ) { $lch = $tr.closest( 'table' ).find( 'label.map > input:checked' ); } points = $lch.map( function() { var ids = $( this ).closest( 'tr' ).data( 'ids' ); if ( ids ) { return ids.split( ',' ); } } ).get(); _generateMap( points ); }, /* * Parse the field data-pointdata of a table row. Adds the elements to _mapData */ _parsePointData = function( str ) { var coords = str.split( ',' ), ret; ret = $.map( coords, function( coord ) { var parts, x, y, id, el; parts = coord.split( ':' ); x = parseFloat( parts[1] ); y = parseFloat( parts[2] ); id = _createIdForCoords( x, y ); el = { id: id, t: parts[0], x: x, y: y }; _mapData[ id ] = el; return el; } ); return ret; }, _createIdForCoords = function( x, y ) { var xx, yy, bkey, seq, id, point; xx = String.fromCharCode( 65 + Math.trunc( x * 26 / _originalWidth ) ); yy = String( Math.trunc( y * 26 / _originalHeight ) + 1 ); bkey = xx + yy; if ( ! ( bkey in _buckets ) ) { _buckets[ bkey ] = []; } seq = _buckets[ bkey ].length; for ( var i = 0; i < seq; i++ ) { id = _buckets[ bkey ][ i ]; point = _mapData[ id ]; if ( point.x == x && point.y == y ) { return id; } } id = bkey + String.fromCharCode( 97 + seq ); _buckets[ bkey ].push( id ); return id; }, /* * Generate the overlay map with markers that is displayed over the "base" map * image. If filterIds is an array, only shows markers corresponding to ids in * filterIds. * * If I got it right, this thing creates an image and assign it a temporary * URL, then loads it in the page as if it were a normal image. */ _generateMap = function( filterIds ) { var svgData, blob; svgData = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:w="https://schemas.wikidex.net/svg/generic" width="2048" height="2048" viewBox="0 0 2048 2048" version="1.1"><defs><filter id="invertColor" color-interpolation-filters="sRGB"><feColorMatrix in="SourceGraphic" type="matrix" values="-1 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0" /></filter><g id="m_estrella" transform="scale(0.6)"><path d="M -0.00164411,-27.941229 6.5673111,-9.0431814 26.570342,-8.63555 10.627149,3.4517155 16.420745,22.601693 -0.00164481,11.173986 -16.424036,22.601692 -10.630439,3.4517155 -26.573631,-8.6355515 -6.5706009,-9.0431814 Z" style="fill:#fcf7db;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2" /></g><g id="m_distorsion" transform="scale(0.6)"><path d="m 10.898436,-19.664347 c -0.677587,-0.0649 -1.573603,0.42932 -2.251952,0.66016 -1.51606,0.5159 -3.107422,1.29207 -5.808594,1.26367 -2.25520899,-0.0237 -4.683473,-0.51286 -6.755859,0.37695 -2.257217,0.96917 -4.243107,2.86657 -5.367188,5.05078 -1.360569,2.64373 -1.032942,5.87122 -1.199219,8.83985 -0.02794,0.49879 -0.154571,1.08489 -0.294922,1.6875 -0.207206,-0.15406 -0.405503,-0.306 -0.564453,-0.45313 -0.85685,-1.14842 -0.646419,-2.92869 -1.261719,-4.29297 -0.69805,-1.54775 -2.319055,-3.10109 -4.546875,-4.41992 -0.65018,-0.38489 -1.650675,-1.01298 -2.208985,-0.5039 -0.70597,0.64374 0.07113,1.93537 0.378907,2.83984 0.5159,1.51606 1.290118,3.10741 1.261719,5.80859 -0.02371,2.2551999 -0.510904,4.68347 0.378906,6.75586 0.96917,2.25722 2.866571,4.2431 5.050781,5.36719 2.643731,1.36056 5.871215,1.03295 8.839845,1.19922 0.49827,0.0279 1.083594,0.15474 1.685547,0.29492 -0.153504,0.20634 -0.304551,0.40605 -0.451172,0.56445 -1.148414,0.85685 -2.928688,0.64642 -4.292969,1.26172 -1.547744,0.69805 -3.101094,2.31906 -4.419923,4.54688 -0.384895,0.65018 -1.014948,1.65067 -0.505859,2.20898 0.643733,0.70597 1.937333,-0.0711 2.841798,-0.3789 1.51606,-0.5159 3.107421,-1.29012 5.808593,-1.26172 2.25520901,0.0237 4.683474,0.5109 6.75586,-0.37891 2.257217,-0.96917 4.241153,-2.86657 5.365234,-5.05078 1.360567,-2.6437298 1.032941,-5.87121 1.199218,-8.83984 0.02791,-0.49827 0.15669,-1.0836 0.296875,-1.68555 0.20625,0.15345 0.404152,0.3046 0.5625,0.45117 0.85685,1.14842 0.648372,2.92869 1.263672,4.29297 0.69805,1.54775 2.317102,3.1010902 4.544922,4.41992 0.65018,0.38489 1.652627,1.01299 2.210937,0.50391 0.70597,-0.64374 -0.07113,-1.9353798 -0.378906,-2.83985 -0.5159,-1.51606 -1.292072,-3.10741 -1.263672,-5.80859 0.02371,-2.25520005 0.510904,-4.68347 -0.378906,-6.75586 -0.96917,-2.25722 -2.866572,-4.24114 -5.050781,-5.36523 -2.64373,-1.36056 -5.86926,-1.03491 -8.83789,-1.20118 -0.498789,-0.0279 -1.084888,-0.15457 -1.6875,-0.29492 0.153549,-0.20641 0.306462,-0.406 0.453125,-0.56445 1.148414,-0.85685 2.928688,-0.64642 4.292969,-1.26172 1.547744,-0.69805 3.101094,-2.31905 4.41992,-4.54687 0.384896,-0.65018 1.012996,-1.65068 0.503907,-2.20899 -0.160933,-0.17649 -0.362028,-0.25962 -0.587891,-0.28125 z M 0,-8.549107 A 8.5714283,8.5714283 0 0 1 8.570312,0.0212029 8.5714283,8.5714283 0 0 1 0,8.593463 8.5714283,8.5714283 0 0 1 -8.572266,0.0212029 8.5714283,8.5714283 0 0 1 0,-8.549107 Z" style="fill:#fcf7db;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2" /></g><g id="m_arbol" transform="scale(0.6)"><path d="m 14.753887,-12.60332 c 2.321432,12.92478948 -20.7866602,27.5195 -35.289063,12.07030948 -0.11441,0.858 -0.175075,1.72232012 -0.18164,2.58789012 C -20.716942,13.52671 -11.417159,22.82649 0.05466773,22.82637 11.526496,22.82649 20.826279,13.52671 20.826153,2.0548796 c -0.0047,-5.49708 -2.188285,-10.76814 -6.072266,-14.6581996 z" style="fill:#fcf7db;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2;" /><path d="m -0.19533227,-19.90606 c -0.99263503,0.0139 -2.00287793,0.10422 -3.01562493,0.26954 -0.463143,0.0783 -0.925867,0.17216 -1.386719,0.28125 -0.355533,2.09759 -2.33e-4,3.54672 0.643581,4.99609 l -1.294071,0.18821 c -1.723492,-2.38726 -2.139709,-5.31489 -2.147505,-8.18333 -2.7873118,-0.72381 -5.1244078,-0.40649 -6.9571998,1.04456 0.10172,4.35807 2.022044,7.58509 5.0637888,10.01114 l -0.9787828,1.0417 c -1.62928,-0.7875 -3.019008,-1.54784 -4.400123,-3.65889 -2.396701,2.42115 -3.717804,5.2353396 -3.720703,7.9257796 5.98e-4,6.17023988 6.795591,10.06483 15.1777338,8.69922 8.38303,-1.36564 15.1792642,-7.47543 15.1796882,-13.6464896 1.28e-4,-5.31558 -5.0869382,-9.06635 -12.16406327,-8.96875 z" style="fill:#fcf7db;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2;" /></g><g id="m_caja" transform="scale(0.6)"><rect ry="2.5" y="1.0535715" x="-18.549109" height="12" width="37" style="fill:#fcf7db;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2;" /><rect ry="2.5" y="-12.946428" x="-18.549109" height="20" width="37" style="fill:#fcf7db;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2;" /><rect ry="1.2" y="6.0535722" x="-6.5491071" height="2.4000001" width="12" style="fill:#000000;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2;" /><rect ry="1.8" y="-7.2464285" x="-23.099108" height="14.27" width="3.6500001" style="fill:#fcf7db;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2;" /><rect style="fill:#fcf7db;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2;" width="3.6500001" height="14.27" x="19.450891" y="-7.2464285" ry="1.8" /></g><g id="m_roca" transform="scale(0.6)"><path d="m -14.910709,22.571429 5.8035696,-5.71429 -11.2499996,-10.7142804 3.125,-8.83929 7.05357,2.49999996 6.4285691,12.14286044 1.25,-0.35714 -3.39285,-25.80358 6.24999987,-8.03571 H 4.0617301 l 8.3489909,8.30357 -4.9107209,25.53572 0.71429,0.53571 5.6250009,-6.5178604 6.42857,-1.42857 0.26786,6.5178604 -6.51786,6.25 4.53639,5.62503 z" style="fill:#fcf7db;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2;" /></g></defs>'; for ( var id in _mapData ) { if ( _mapData.hasOwnProperty( id ) ) { if ( !filterIds || filterIds.length == 0 || filterIds.indexOf( id ) != -1 ) { if ( id != _selectedPoint ) { svgData += _pointToSvgEl( _mapData[ id ], false ); } } } } if ( _selectedPoint ) { svgData += _pointToSvgEl( _mapData[ _selectedPoint ], true ); } svgData += '</svg>'; blob = new Blob( [ svgData ], { type : 'image/svg+xml' } ); if ( _svg ) { URL.revokeObjectURL( _svg ); } _svg = URL.createObjectURL( blob ); $( '.lpamap .markupmap' ).eq( 0 ).empty().append( $( '<img>' ).attr( { src: _svg, width: _originalWidth, height: _originalHeight } ) ); }, /* * Given a point (things stored in _mapData) return the svg code to display it. */ _pointToSvgEl = function( point, selected ) { var extra = ; if ( selected ) { extra = ' style="filter:url(#invertColor)"'; } return '<use xlink:href="#' + _expandedPointTypes[ point.t ] + '" x="' + point.x + '" y="' + point.y + '" w:id="' + point.id + '"' + extra + '/>'; }, _mapDown = function( e ) { _downCoords = [ e.clientX, e.clientY ]; }, _mapUp = function( e ) { var upCoords; upCoords = [ e.clientX, e.clientY ]; // Discard event if it's scrolling for ( var i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { if ( Math.abs( upCoords[ i ] - _downCoords[ i ] ) > _sensibility ) { return; } } _downCoords = null; _mapUpFiltered.call( this, e ); return false; }, _zoomableMapClick = function( e ) { if ( _useMapUpFallback ) { $( '.lpamap .markupmap' ).eq( 0 ).off( 'mousedown mouseup' ); _useMapUpFallback = false; } _mapUpFiltered.call( this, e ); }, _mapUpFiltered = function( e ) { var upCoords, hit, points, idx, newSelection = null; upCoords = [ e.clientX, e.clientY ]; hit = _translateToMap( upCoords ); points = _getPointsInHit( hit ); if ( points.length > 0 ) { if ( _selectedPoint && points.indexOf( _selectedPoint ) != -1 ) { // One of the target points is the one previously selected // Force changing the selection, or unselect if ( points.length > 1 ) { idx = points.indexOf( _selectedPoint ); if ( idx == points.length - 1 ) { idx = 0; } else { idx++; } newSelection = points[ idx ]; } } else { newSelection = points[ 0 ]; } } if ( !_selectedPoint && !newSelection ) { return; } _selectedPoint = newSelection; _generateMap(); _filterTableWithPoint(); }, _translateToMap = function( coords ) { var rect = $( '.lpamap .markupmap img' )[ 0 ].getClientRects()[ 0 ], factor = 1; factor = ( rect.right - rect.left ) / _originalWidth; return [ ( coords[ 0 ] - rect.left ) / factor, ( coords[ 1 ] - rect.top ) / factor, factor ]; }, _getPointsInHit = function( hit ) { var sensibility = _sensibility / hit[ 2 ], points = [], c1, c2; for ( var id in _mapData ) { if ( _mapData.hasOwnProperty( id ) ) { c1 = Math.abs( _mapData[ id ].x - hit[ 0 ] ); c2 = Math.abs( _mapData[ id ].y - hit[ 1 ] ); if ( Math.sqrt( c1 * c1 + c2 * c2 ) - _pointRadius <= sensibility ) { points.push( id ); } } } return points; }, _filterTableWithPoint = function() { var $table = $( 'table.LPAinteractivo' ).eq( 0 ), origTablePosition; origTablePosition = _detachElement( $table ); try { $table.find( 'label.map > input:checked' ).each( function() { this.checked = false; } ); if ( _selectedPoint ) { $table.find( '> tbody > tr[data-principal]' ).each( function( idx ) { var $tr = $( this ), ids = $tr.data( 'ids' ); if ( !ids || ids.split( ',' ).indexOf( _selectedPoint ) === -1 ) { $tr.hide(); $tr = $tr.prev(); if ( $tr.hasClass( 'sep' ) ) { $tr.hide(); } } else { $tr.show().prev().show(); $tr.find( 'label.map > input' )[ 0 ].checked = true; } } ); } else { _reapplyTableRowVisibility( $table ); } } catch( e ) { console.log(e); } _reattachElement( $table, origTablePosition ); }, _reapplyTableRowVisibility = function( $table ) { $table.find( '> tbody > tr[data-principal="1"]' ).each( function() { var $tr = $( this ).show(), $prev, op; $prev = $tr.prev(); if ( $prev.hasClass( 'sep' ) ) { $prev.show(); } op = $tr.find( 'label.det > input' )[0].checked ? 'show' : 'hide'; // Hide secondary while ( 1 ) { $tr = $tr.next(); if ( $tr.length === 0 || $tr.data( 'principal' ) !== 0 ) { break; } $tr[ op ]().prev()[ op ](); } } ); }; $(_init); })( jQuery ); </script>