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This should fix the problem with the sidebar
m (Aggiunte icone social in sidebar dopo l'aggiornamento)
m (This should fix the problem with the sidebar)
#home-social-link-container [id$="-icon"] a::before, .vectornav[id='p-menu-content-listPokémon Central'] [id^="n-"] a::before {
display: inline-block;
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background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml, %3Csvg height='78' viewBox='0 0 78 78' width='78' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%3E%3Cg fill='none' fill-rule='evenodd'%3E%3Cpath d='M35.137 20.188c-8.74 1.928-14.766 9.526-15.063 18.075l10.04-2.215a9.712 9.712 0 0 1 1.066-2.272 9.547 9.547 0 0 1 6.025-4.21 9.546 9.546 0 0 1 7.239 1.285c.718.458 1.36 1 1.922 1.612l10.04-2.215c-3.867-7.63-12.53-11.989-21.27-10.06M75.463 26.044l-9.475 2.09-9.582 2.115a19.148 19.148 0 0 1 1.625 4.558c.358 1.619.499 3.236.445 4.82l9.58-2.114a28.473 28.473 0 0 1-.437 6.66 28.747 28.747 0 0 1-4.06 10.279 28.739 28.739 0 0 1-7.616 8.007 28.628 28.628 0 0 1-10.46 4.62c-3.803.84-7.651.91-11.437.21a28.72 28.72 0 0 1-10.277-4.06 28.744 28.744 0 0 1-8.006-7.614 28.457 28.457 0 0 1-3.201-5.86l-9.476 2.092C9.476 69.842 28.42 80.679 47.55 76.46c19.13-4.221 31.757-22.023 29.982-41.038a38.744 38.744 0 0 0-2.07-9.378' fill='rgb%280%2C154%2C238%29'/%3E%3Cpath d='M48.435 41.842a9.653 9.653 0 0 1-1.066 2.272 9.536 9.536 0 0 1-6.026 4.21 9.536 9.536 0 0 1-7.237-1.285 9.602 9.602 0 0 1-1.923-1.612zM30.998 1.432C11.868 5.651-.758 23.453 1.016 42.467a39.009 39.009 0 0 0 2.069 9.379l9.476-2.09 9.581-2.114c3.868 7.63 12.53 11.987 21.271 10.06 8.742-1.929 14.765-9.527 15.063-18.076a19.272 19.272 0 0 0-.445-4.82 19.208 19.208 0 0 0-1.625-4.559l-10.04 2.215-16.253 3.586-10.039 2.214-9.58 2.115a28.694 28.694 0 0 1 4.498-16.938 28.708 28.708 0 0 1 7.613-8.008c3.14-2.228 6.66-3.783 10.462-4.622s7.65-.909 11.436-.208a28.711 28.711 0 0 1 10.278 4.06 28.75 28.75 0 0 1 8.007 7.614 28.61 28.61 0 0 1 3.2 5.858l9.474-2.09C69.073 8.048 50.128-2.79 30.998 1.431z' fill='rgb%2867%2C189%2C255%29'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E");
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background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml, %3Csvg height='78' viewBox='0 0 78 78' width='78' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%3E%3Cg fill='none' fill-rule='evenodd'%3E%3Cpath d='M35.137 20.188c-8.74 1.928-14.766 9.526-15.063 18.075l10.04-2.215a9.712 9.712 0 0 1 1.066-2.272 9.547 9.547 0 0 1 6.025-4.21 9.546 9.546 0 0 1 7.239 1.285c.718.458 1.36 1 1.922 1.612l10.04-2.215c-3.867-7.63-12.53-11.989-21.27-10.06M75.463 26.044l-9.475 2.09-9.582 2.115a19.148 19.148 0 0 1 1.625 4.558c.358 1.619.499 3.236.445 4.82l9.58-2.114a28.473 28.473 0 0 1-.437 6.66 28.747 28.747 0 0 1-4.06 10.279 28.739 28.739 0 0 1-7.616 8.007 28.628 28.628 0 0 1-10.46 4.62c-3.803.84-7.651.91-11.437.21a28.72 28.72 0 0 1-10.277-4.06 28.744 28.744 0 0 1-8.006-7.614 28.457 28.457 0 0 1-3.201-5.86l-9.476 2.092C9.476 69.842 28.42 80.679 47.55 76.46c19.13-4.221 31.757-22.023 29.982-41.038a38.744 38.744 0 0 0-2.07-9.378' fill='rgb%28148%2C44%2C63%29'/%3E%3Cpath d='M48.435 41.842a9.653 9.653 0 0 1-1.066 2.272 9.536 9.536 0 0 1-6.026 4.21 9.536 9.536 0 0 1-7.237-1.285 9.602 9.602 0 0 1-1.923-1.612zM30.998 1.432C11.868 5.651-.758 23.453 1.016 42.467a39.009 39.009 0 0 0 2.069 9.379l9.476-2.09 9.581-2.114c3.868 7.63 12.53 11.987 21.271 10.06 8.742-1.929 14.765-9.527 15.063-18.076a19.272 19.272 0 0 0-.445-4.82 19.208 19.208 0 0 0-1.625-4.559l-10.04 2.215-16.253 3.586-10.039 2.214-9.58 2.115a28.694 28.694 0 0 1 4.498-16.938 28.708 28.708 0 0 1 7.613-8.008c3.14-2.228 6.66-3.783 10.462-4.622s7.65-.909 11.436-.208a28.711 28.711 0 0 1 10.278 4.06 28.75 28.75 0 0 1 8.007 7.614 28.61 28.61 0 0 1 3.2 5.858l9.474-2.09C69.073 8.048 50.128-2.79 30.998 1.431z' fill='rgb%28219%2C67%2C95%29'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E");
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margin-right: 0.5em;
height: 1.125em;

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