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I think it could be possible to protect [[:File:Immagine inesistente esempio.png]] from being created and uploaded by non-sysop users. --[[Utente:Infernape4All.|<span style="color:#FF4422">Infernape4All.</span>]]<sub>[[Discussioni utente:Infernape4All.|<span style="color:#BB5544">discussioni</span>]]</sub> 09:00, 7 feb 2020 (CET)
:It is possibile indeed, but we have no reason to, since nobody ever tried to vandalize that and people who want to make a mess in our wiki with the permission to upload images can create much more havoc in several more efficient ways. Also, I get that people should not sign after the template Non firmato, but since it was a trial and since he added the signature a few minutes later than when he wrote his message, it's better to remove the template rather than the sign. --<span lang="ja" style="margin: 0px;">[[utente:CiaobyDany|<span class="{{#switch: {{uc:FF4422}}|FFF|FFFFFF=white-text|000|000000=black-text}}" style="{{#switch: {{uc:FF4422}}|FFF|FFFFFF|000|000000=|color:#FF4422;}}">チャオ</span>]][[Discussioni utente:CiaobyDany|<span class="{{#switch: {{uc:FFCC33}}|FFF|FFFFFF=white-text|000|000000=black-text}}" style="{{#switch: {{uc:FFCC33}}|FFF|FFFFFF|000|000000=|color:#FFCC33;}}">バイ</span>]][[speciale:contributi/CiaobyDany|<span class="{{#switch: {{uc:77CC55}}|FFF|FFFFFF=white-text|000|000000=black-text}}" style="{{#switch: {{uc:77CC55}}|FFF|FFFFFF|000|000000=|color:#77CC55;}}">ダニ</span>]]</span> 11:46, 7 feb 2020 (CET)
::"[...] it's better to remove the template rather than the sign" - I think you're wrong, as placing a signature after forgetting to sign will give off a wrong timestamp. Also, could you remove the interwiki prefix "wp:en" from this site's interwiki table? Source: [[wp:Speciale:Interwiki]] - if you see "sì" under "Reindirizza", then it won't show "Bad title" by linking from an external website. --[[Utente:Infernape4All.|<span style="color:#FF4422">Infernape4All.</span>]]<sub>[[Discussioni utente:Infernape4All.|<span style="color:#BB5544">discussioni</span>]]</sub> 21:53, 12 feb 2020 (CET)


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