Differenze tra le versioni di "Modulo:PokémonData"

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I really do hate to upload this module from the local repo to PCW
(Preparing for multigen in Poké/data *** sovrascritto il testo esistente ***)
m (I really do hate to upload this module from the local repo to PCW)
if not tab then
local loadFunction = useRequire and require or mw.loadData
return loadFunction(moduleName) --loadFunction('Modulo:' .. moduleName)
return tab
b.getNdex = function(frame)
pokes = loadData(pokes, 'Poké-/data')
return string.tf(pokes[formlib.nameToDataindex(frame.args[1])].ndex)
b.getName = function(frame)
pokes = loadData(pokes, 'Poké-/data')
return pokes[formlib.nameToDataindex(frame.args[1])].name
local getAbil = function(name, abilityNumber, gen)
abils = loadData(abils, 'PokéAbil-/data')
return multigen.getGenValue(
abils[formlib.nameToDataindex(name)]['ability' .. abilityNumber] or '',
local getType = function(name, typeNumber, gen)
pokes = loadData(pokes, 'Poké-/data')
return string.fu(multigen.getGenValue(
pokes[formlib.nameToDataindex(name)]['type' .. typeNumber],
b.ifTwoTypes = function(frame)
pokes = loadData(pokes, 'Poké-/data')
local poke = pokes[formlib.nameToDataindex(frame.args[1])]
local isDualType = poke.type1 == poke.type2

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