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Nessun cambiamento nella dimensione ,  16:50, 30 ago 2018
Bot: ripristinata la versione 623988 di Mellabot del 2018-08-26T18:01:28Z
m (c)
m (Bot: ripristinata la versione 623988 di Mellabot del 2018-08-26T18:01:28Z)
series=[[Pokémon Gold & Silver: The Golden Boys]] |
volume=2 |
location=[[rmarantopoliAmarantopoli]] |
prev_chapter=''[[GB10|rA Huge Mysterious Tree!!]]'' |
next_chapter=''[[GB12|The Legendary Pokémon]]'' |
chapter=Johto |
<!--{{GnB|Gold}} and [[Whitney]] arrive in [[Ecruteak City]] to attend the [[Pokémon Summit]]. They are greeted by [[Bill]], who tells them the story of the [[Bell Tower|Tin Tower]] and the [[Burned Tower]]. He also tells them about [[Entei]], [[Suicune]] and [[Raikou]].
rtAt the stadium which houses the Pokémon Summit, built on the site of the Burned Tower, Gold is reunited with [[Falkner]], [[Bugsy]] and [[Professor Elm]]. Suddenly, however, [[Team Rocket Grunt]]s appear to steal all the rare Pokémon which will be at the Summit. To prevent the Gym Leaders from resisting, the Rockets placed several [[Electrode]] around the perimeter of the stadium, which could blow it up with [[Explosion]].
{{GnB|Black}} appears, taunting Team Rocket. He sends out his Pokémon to do battle, but they collapse due to hypnotic radio waves operated by {{GnB|Grey}}, a [[Executive (Trainer class)|Rocket Executive]]. Black tries to challenge Grey to a battle, but he refuses, stating that Team Rocket uses its intelligence to win, not just battle skills. rsAs Team Rocket collects all the Pokémon, Bill reveals that he had been carrying [[Espeon]] and [[Umbreon]] in secret, which are resistant to the hypnotic waves and therefore could be used to destroy the machine. However, to destroy the machines without upsetting the Electrode, both must be destroyed at the same time, requiring Black and Gold to cooperate. Black refuses, but when Bill offers to take Umbreon in his place, Black reluctantly agrees to help.
rsAs Espeon and Umbreon are poised to strike, Grey's [[Houndour]] blocks them from hitting the machines. Gold tries to block Houndour's [[Flamethrower]], but Entei, Raikou and Suicune appear before him, rescuing him from any harm.-->
==Eventi principali==
* {{GnB|Gold}} e [[Chiara]] arrivano ad [[rmarantopoliAmarantopoli]].
* Gold e Chiara incontrano [[Bill]].
* Gold, Chiara e Bill arrivano al [[Pokémon Summit]], solo per scoprire che il [[Team Rocket]] lo ha derubato.
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