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'''Lavender TownLavandonia''' (JapaneseGiapponese: '''シオンタウン''' ''Cion Town'') isè auna smallpiccola towncittà locatedposizionata ina northeastnord-est di [[Kanto]], justproprio southa ofsud thedel [[RockTunnel TunnelRoccioso]]. Though the Lavender Town ofNella [[GenerationPrima Igenerazione|Prima]] ande nella [[GenerationTerza IIIgenerazione]], Lavandonia isè knownmolto mainlyrinomata forper ghostl'apparizzione sightingsdi innumerevoli thespettri all'interno della [[PokémonTorre TowerPokémon]], andluogo assacro thedove mainsi gravesitetrovano ofdecine Pokémon,e itdecine isdi noticeablytombe modernizedPokémon, che tuttavia, innella [[GenerationSeconda IIgenerazione|Seconda]] ande nella [[GenerationQuarta IVgenerazione]], withsarà thecompletamente inclusionrimodernizzata, ofe atrasformata broadcastingnella stationTorre Radio di Kanto.
According to the citizens of the town, Lavender Town is known as the grave site of Pokémon. All the memorial services are held in Pokémon Tower. According to local citizens, the [[Literal ghost|ghosts]] that appear in the Tower are the spirits of Pokémon that have died or were killed (the latter is the case with the mother [[Literal ghost|Marowak]] in the tower, which died at [[Team Rocket|Team Rocket's]] hands).
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