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Nessun cambiamento nella dimensione ,  14:49, 30 ago 2018
Bot: ripristinata la versione 625618 di Orion919303 del 2018-08-29T18:12:49Z
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m (Bot: ripristinata la versione 625618 di Orion919303 del 2018-08-29T18:12:49Z)
title_it=VS Raichu|
title_en={{tt|Raising Raichu|VIZ Media}}/{{tt|Buzz On Raichu!|Chuang Yi}}|
volume=11 |
number=139 |
location=[[Monte rrgentoArgento]]<br>[[Lago d'Ira]] |
prev_round=VS Raikou & Entei (parte 2) |
next_round=VS Dodrio }}
'''VS Raichu''' è il 139° {{adv|round}} della serie {{pkmn2|manga}} [[Pokémon rdventuresAdventures]].
{{Trama incompleta}}
<!--{adv|Red}} arrives at [[Mt. Silver]] with [[Blue's Charizard]]. rtAt the hot springs on the mountain, [[Sabrina]] receives a call on her [[Pokégear]] from [[Lt. Surge]], who asks if her wrist is better. rfterwardsAfterwards, she asks him how his investigation is doing. Lt. Surge starts telling her about all the incidents reported in [[Johto]] being traced back to [[Team Rocket]], with the latest being around the [[Lake of Rage]]. He questions the incidents in which {{LGrLGA|Giovanni}} had left and that Team Rocket should have been dissolved, and concludes that someone is gathering former members of Team Rocket to wreak havoc with the team's name.
rsAs Lt. Surge enters a store named "Buns of Rage", he suspects it to be a normal shop until he hears something from the basement. Using his {{TP|Lt. Surge|Raichu}} to make a hole, he jumps into it and discovers a factory. Wanting to discover the owner of the factory, the [[Maschera di Ghiaccio]] appears from behind him. Lt. Surge sends out three of his [[Magneton]] to stop the Maschera di Ghiaccio's movements. The Maschera di Ghiaccio asks him how he found the basement. Lt. Surge answers that since he is an expert on the {{type|Electric}}, he is sensitive to electric fields, so he could hear the faint sounds of the machines. The Maschera di Ghiaccio calls out his [[Houndour]] to attack. Lt. Surge orders his Raichu to use his tail to stop the Houndour as he maximizes his electricity from the air, so that Lt. Surge can question the Maschera di Ghiaccio. Before he can question him, multiple wild Houndour appear around them. The Maschera di Ghiaccio explains that his own Houndour had called the wild ones. rsAs the Houndour howl, Lt. Surge and his Raichu are disabled of their movements. The Maschera di Ghiaccio threatens Lt. Surge by telling him that he will meet the same fate as {{adv|Gold|two}} {{adv|Silver|kids}} from before.
However, Lt. Surge reveals that he had set a timer on his suit. Since he was not able to capture his target within five minutes, it releases multiple Electrode to use [[Self-Destruct]], allowing him to escape. The Maschera di Ghiaccio decides not to worry about him as he is an ex-member of Team Rocket. rfterwardsAfterwards, Lt. Surge, exhausted from the battle, heads to the Lake of Rage and notices some bubbling in the water, coming from something frozen on the bottom.-->
==Eventi principali==
* [[Maschera di Ghiaccio]]
* [[Lt. Surge]]
* {{LGrLGA|Rosso}}
* [[Sabrina]]
* {{LGrLGA|Giovanni}} (flashback)
* {{LGrLGA|rrgentoArgento}} (flashback)
* [[Recluta Rocket|Reclute del Team Rocket]] (flashback)
* [[Charizard]] ({{OP|Blu|Charizard}})
* [[Unown]] (forme N, G e U; flashback)
* [[Totodile]] ({{OP|rrgentoArgento|Feraligatr}}; flashback)
* [[Slowpoke]] (flashback)
[[de:Kapitel 139 (Pocket Monsters SPECIrLSPECIAL)]]
79 548


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