Differenze tra le versioni di "Utente:Ff300/Linkable"

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nessun oggetto della modifica
(height: 100%; can't hurt. After all, is only css making fun of us (cit. @Maze))
<div class="text-center roundy {{{classes|}}}" style="background: #fff; padding: 0.5ex; height: 100%; {{#invoke: css | horizGrad | type = {{{3|normale}}} | type2 = {{{4|volante}}} }}">
{{#if: {{{6|}}} | <div class="small-text" >{{{7|}}}</div> }}
<div class="roundy-full inline-block img-fluid" style="padding: 1ex; {{#invokebackground: css | radialGrad | type = {{{3|normale}}} | type2 = {{{4|volante}}} }}#fff;">[[File:{{{1|398}}}.png]]</div>
<div class="small-text">{{{5|Non si evolve}}}</div>

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