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Nessun cambiamento nella dimensione ,  17:41, 2 giu 2016
Sostituzione testo - "SonicBoom" con "Sonicboom"
m (Sostituzione testo - "SonicBoom" con "Sonicboom")
Ash decides to use [[Damage modification|type-advantage]] against Magmortar and sends out Buizel who is ready to battle. Ash starts by ordering an {{m|Aqua Jet}} and Buizel speeds towards Magmortar and hits it directly on the chest, sending Magmortar reeling back, but despite the super-effective hit is still able to carry on. Ash then follows up with {{m|Water Pulse}} and Buizel sends a wave of water towards his opponent, however Paul orders another Rock Tomb, and Magmortar creates a shield of rocks which protects itself from the Water Pulse. However, Ash knows that it will stand no chance against a {{type|Water}}-type attack and orders Aqua Jet. Buizel smashes through the rocks, only to find Magmortar gone. Ash and Buizel don't know where Magmortar is, and Buizel looks up to see a now aerial Magmortar release another Smog, which hits Buizel and {{status|poison}}s the Pokémon, causing Buizel to reel in pain. Brock realizes that Rock Tomb was used to keep Buizel from seeing what Magmortar was up to. As Buizel tries to recover from his damage, Magmortar lands and Paul recalls it.
Paul then sends out {{TP|Paul|Ursaring}} and Ash orders {{m|Water Gun}}. Paul is prepared for this and orders a {{m|Hammer Arm}}, which successfully counters the attack making Ash wondering how it managed to counter Water Gun. Paul then orders {{m|Bulk Up}} which increases Ursaring's strength and defense. Ash knows what Bulk Up does, but foolishly believes Buizel can handle it and has him use Aqua Jet while Paul orders Ursaring to use {{m|Slash}}. Ursaring, after resisting Aqua Jet, hits Buizel with its sharp claws, sending Buizel to the ground. Ursaring uses {{m|Focus Blast}}, and Ash responds by having Buizel use an Aqua Jet Counter Shield which creates a typhoon of water upon which Focus Blast backfires onto Ursaring. Ash asks Paul if he likes the taste of the Counter Shield and that Pikachu isn't the only one who can use it, to which Paul says nothing. Ash then orders a {{m|SonicBoomSonicboom}}, and Paul tells Ursaring to use Hammer Arm. Ursaring runs through the SonicBoomSonicboom and lands a direct hit on Buizel, smashing him to the ground. At this point, Ash is ready to recall Buizel, but Buizel wants to stay in the battle so Ash allows him to stay. This turns out to be a mistake, because when Buizel is ordered to use Aqua Jet, the attack is countered by a dead on Focus Blast which [[fainting|takes Buizel out]] of the battle. Dawn feels very sorry for Buizel, but Reggie says that Buizel was eliminated because of Ash's poor judgment. Again, Brock concurs, saying that Ash should have recalled Buizel before the Focus Blast like he had been planning to.
Ash then sends out {{AP|Staraptor}}, launching {{m|Aerial Ace}}. Paul orders another Hammer Arm, but Staraptor dodges it and scores a clean hit with Aerial Ace. Paul orders Focus Blast, which hits Staraptor in mid-air, but not critically damaging it. Ash orders Staraptor to use {{m|Close Combat}}, but Ursaring's Slash attack halts Staraptor before it can get close enough to attack. Ursaring then {{m|Hammer Arm}}s Staraptor into the ground, taking it out of the match. Ash returns it to its [[Poké Ball]] and thanks it for a good battle. Paul recalls Ursaring and sends out {{TP|Paul|Electabuzz}}, and Ash sends out [[Chimchar]] for its first appearance in the battle. Team Rocket are excited to see Chimchar battle, and Chimchar shows a mean look at its former Trainer.
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