Differenze tra le versioni di "Nero e Bianco (GCC)"

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Sostituzione testo - "EX Sandstorm" con "EX Tempesta di Sabbia"
m (Sostituzione testo - "Triumphant" con "Battaglie Trionfali")
m (Sostituzione testo - "EX Sandstorm" con "EX Tempesta di Sabbia")
*A fixed selection of five cards from the expansion were available in a Black & White Preview Pack included in the {{merch|Black & White|Sneak-Peek Tins}} roughly seven weeks before the commercial release of the expansion.
*The names of the accompanying theme decks are a reference to the first three Japanese main series games, as well as the types of the Unova [[Starter Pokémon]].
*Several other Trainer's cards released in this expansion also received updated effects and errata. Perhaps the most interesting change was the errata issued for {{TCG ID|EX SandstormTempesta di Sabbia|Rare Candy|88}}, which now prevents its use on the players' first turn and on the turn a Basic Pokémon was just brought into play. This essentially allows the new rules regarding Trainer's cards to become viable again, as the initial restrictions imposed in ''Diamond & Pearl'' were to limit the over-use of Rare Candy, among others.
*The inclusion of Pikachu as an ultra-rare card is a likely reference as to the scarcity of [[Pikachu]] and other pre-Generation V Pokémon in the [[Unova]] region, which is also referenced in the [[BW001|anime]].
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