Differenze tra le versioni di "Koffing (Set Base 51)"

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species=Gas Velenoso |
ndex=109 |
height=2'0",6 m |
enheight=2'0.6" |
weight=21 |
enweight=1.02 |
dex=Il suo corpo contiene vari tipi di gas tossici ed è per questo che spesso esplode senza alcun preavviso. |
dex=Because it stores several kinds of toxic gases in its body, it is prone to exploding without warning. |
jdex=うすいバルーン状の体に猛毒のガスがつまっている。ちかくに来ると臭い。 |
transdex=Its thin, balloon-like body is inflated by horribly toxic gases. It reeks when it is nearby. |


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