Differenze tra le versioni di "Marshtomp di Brock"

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[[File:Brock Mudkip.png|left|thumb|200px|Da [[Mudkip]]]]
Brock ottiene Marshtomp, da Mudkip, in ''[[AG025|L'uomo della palude]]''. Mudkip vive in un laghetto dove un certo numero di Mudkip viene [[Allevamento Pokémon|allevato]] per la [[Lega Pokémon]]. Mentre la maggior parte dei Pokémon lascia il lago da adulta, quello che Brock cattura è già maturo e si comporta come un guardiano dei più giovani e più piccoli Mudkip. Il [[Vecchio della palude]], il proprietario del laghetto, dice che la Lega Pokémon non consente di dare un Mudkip agli Allenatori alle prime armi. Brock alla fine fa amicizia con lui dopo diversi tentativi falliti. Subito Mudkip, Brock e gli altri Pokémon di quest'ultimo, {{TP|Brock|Forretress}} e {{TP|Brock|Lotad|Ludicolo}}, devono salvare un Mudkip cucciolo prima che cada da una cascata. Riescono a recuperarlo, giusto in tempo per essere attaccati dal {{TRT}} ma Mudkip, insieme al Lotad di Brock, usa {{m|Pistolacqua}} sul terreno vicino al robot per farlo affondare, così che il [[Pikachu di Ash]] possa concludere il lavoro con {{m|Fulmine}}. Il Vecchio della palude suggerisce poi a Mudkip di andare con Brock, il quale felice accetta.
Brock ottiene Marshtomp, da Mudkip, in ''[[AG025|L'uomo della palude]]''. Mudkip lived at a pond where a number of Mudkip were {{pkmn|breeding|bred}} for the [[Pokémon League]]. While most of the Pokémon left the pond as they grew older, the one that Brock caught was already mature and acted as a guardian of the younger, smaller Mudkip. [[Old Man Swamp]], the owner of the pond, felt that the Pokémon League would not want to give a grown-up Mudkip to a beginning Trainer. Brock eventually befriended it after a few failed attempts. Soon, Mudkip, Brock, and Brock's other Pokémon, {{TP|Brock|Forretress}} and {{TP|Brock|Lotad|Ludicolo}}, had to rescue a baby Mudkip from falling over a waterfall. They managed to save it, but just in time for an attack from the {{TRT}}. However, the Mudkip, along with Brock's Lotad, all used {{m|Water Gun}} on the ground by their mecha to make it sink into the ground, and [[Ash's Pikachu]] finished the job with {{m|Thunderbolt}}. Old Man Swamp later suggested that Mudkip go with Brock, to which he happily agreed.
[[File:AG025.png|thumb|left|200px|Mudkip'sIl debutdebutto appearancedi savingMudkip amentre babysalva un Mudkip cucciolo]]
In ''[[AG026|Turning Over a Nuzleaf!]]'', Mudkip, along with Pikachu, {{AP|Treecko}}, {{AP|Corphish}}, {{TP|May|Torchic}}, {{TP|May|Silcoon}} and Lotad, were separated from the group after a {{p|Loudred}} attack. Mudkip, along with Pikachu, attempted to lead the group of Pokémon as they searched for {{Ash}} and the others. However, a group of {{p|Nuzleaf}} captured the Pokémon one by one after Corphish damaged the leaf on one of the heads of a Nuzleaf. However, Pikachu and Mudkip tried to save them until Ash and the group arrived.

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