Differenze tra le versioni di "Bellezza (virtù)"

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| 2 <font color="pink">♥♥
| 1 ♥
| <small>Spaventa di + chi s'è esibito con mossa di tipo uguale.</small>
| <small>Subtracts 4 appeal points from any Pokémon who appealed before the user who used the same type of move. Subtracts 1 point from anyone who did not use the same type.</small>
| 2 <font color="pink">♥♥
| <small>Earn +2 if the Pokémon performs first in the turn.</small>
| 4 <font color="pink">♥♥♥♥
| 0
| <small>Una mossaMossa di grande effetto durante l'esibizione. </small>
| 2 <font color="pink">♥♥
| <small>Earn +2 if the Pokémon performs first in the turn.</small>
| 4 <font color="pink">♥♥♥♥
| 0
| <small>Una mossaMossa di grande effetto durante l'esibizione. </small>
| 2 <font color="pink">♥♥
| <small>Earn +2 if the Pokémon performs first in the turn</small>
| 1 <font color="pink">♥
| 3 ♥♥♥
| <small>BadlySpaventa startlesterribilmente thosechi whosi haveè madegià appealsesibito.</small>
| 2 <font color="pink">♥♥
| <small>Enables the user to perform last in the next turn.</small>
| 1 <font color="pink">♥
| 0
| <small>Migliora forma di chi la usa. Può impedire il nervosismo.</small>
| <small>User gains a star if their condition is good, and they receive the number of stars as points after the next round. Every star they have (up to 3) lessens the probability of their Pokémon becoming nervous.</small>
| 0
| <small>Earn double the score in the next turn.</small>
| 2 <font color="pink">♥♥
| 1 ♥
| <small>Spaventa di + chi ha attirato attenzione GIUDICE.</small>
| <small>Subtracts 5 appeal points from any Pokémon in Combo Standby who appealed prior to the user. Subtracts 1 point from any Pokémon not in Combo Standby.</small>
| 2 <font color="pink">♥♥
| <small>Enables the user to perform first in the next turn.</small>
| 2 <font color="pink">♥♥
| 0
| <small>CanPuò avoidevitare beingdi startledessere byspaventati othersdagli oncealtri 1 volta.</small>
| 1 <font color="pink">♥
| <small>Earn +3 if no other Pokémon has chosen the same Judge.</small>
| 1 <font color="pink">♥
| 0
| <small>ThePiù appealtardi worksla bettersi theesegue, latermaggiore itè isil performedsuo effetto.</small>
| 2 <font color="pink">♥♥
| <small>Earn +2 if the Pokémon performs last in the turn..</small>
| 4 <font color="pink">♥♥♥♥
| 0
| <small>Una mossaMossa di grande effetto durante l'esibizione. </small>
| 2 <font color="pink">♥♥
| <small>Earn +2 if the Pokémon performs first in the turn.</small>
| 3 <font color="pink">♥♥♥
| 0
| <small>TemporarilyCalma stopstemporaneamente thel'entusiasmo crowddel from growing excitedpubblico. </small>
| 0
| <small>Earn a higher score the later the Pokémon performs.</small>
| 4 <font color="pink">♥♥♥♥
| 0
| <small>Una mossaMossa di grande effetto durante l'esibizione. </small>
| 2 <font color="pink">♥♥
| <small>Allows performance of the same move twice in a row.</small>
| 3 <font color="pink">♥♥♥
| 0
| <small>ShiftsDistoglie the judgel'sattenzione attentiondel fromGIUDICE thedagli othersaltri.</small>
| 1 <font color="pink">♥
| <small>Lowers the Voltage of all Judges by one each</small>
| 1 <font color="pink">♥
| 0
| <small>UpsMigliora theforma user'sdi conditionchi andla helpsusa. preventPuò nervousnessimpedire il nervosismo.</small>
| 0
| <small>Earn double the score in the next turn.</small>
| 1 <font color="pink">♥
| 3 ♥♥♥
| <small>BadlySpaventa startlesterribilmente thosechi thatsi haveè madegià appealsesibito. </small>
| 2 <font color="pink">♥♥
| <small>Prevents the Voltage from going up in the same turn.</small>
| 4 <font color="pink">♥♥♥♥
| 0
| <small>Una mossaMossa di grande effetto durante l'esibizione. </small>
| 2 <font color="pink">♥♥
| <small>Earn +2 if the Pokémon performs first in the turn.</small>
| 3 <font color="pink">♥♥♥
| 0
| <small>TemporailyCalma stopstemporaneamente thel'entusiasmo crowddel from growing excitedpubblico. </small>
| 2 <font color="pink">♥♥
| <small>Allows performance of the same move twice in a row.</small>
| 2 <font color="pink">♥♥
| 1 ♥
| <small>StartlesSpaventa Pokémondi that+ madechi as'è same-typeesibito appealcon mossa di tipo uguale.</small>
| 2 <font color="pink">♥♥
| <small>Allows performance of the same move twice in a row.</small>
| 1 <font color="pink">♥
| 3 ♥♥♥
| <small>BadlySpaventa startlesterribilmente thosechi thatsi haveè madegià appealsesibito. </small>
| 2 <font color="pink">♥♥
| <small>Enables the user to perform last in the next turn</small>
| 1 <font color="pink">♥
| 0
| <small>CanPuò avoidevitare beingdi startledessere byspaventati othersdagli altri.</small>
| 2 <font color="pink">♥♥
| <small>Earns double the score on the final performance.</small>
| 2 <font color="pink">♥♥
| 0
| <small>MakesChi allla Pokémonusa afterinnervosisce thetutti useri Pokémon nervousseguenti.</small>
| 2 <font color="pink">♥♥
| <small>Lowers the Voltage of all Judges by one each.</small>
| 1 <font color="pink">♥
| 0
| <small>TemporarilyLa stopsqualità thedell'esibizione crowddipende fromdal getting excitedmomento.</small>
| 0
| <small>Increased Voltage is added to the performance score.</small>
| 1 <font color="pink">♥
| 0
| <small>TheL'esibizione appealè worksmigliore bestse theil morepubblico crowdè is excitedscatenato. </small>
| 2 <font color="pink">♥♥
| <small>Makes the order of contestants random in the next turn.</small>
| 6 <font color="pink">♥♥♥♥♥♥
| 0
| <small>AfterQuesta thismossa move,rende thepiù userimpressionabile ischi morela easily startledusa.</small>
| 2 <font color="pink">♥♥
| <small>Earn +3 if the Pokémon that just went hit max Voltage.</small>
| 4 <font color="pink">♥♥♥♥
| 0
| <small>Una mossaMossa di grande effetto durante l'esibizione. </small>
| 3 <font color="pink">♥♥♥
| <small>A basic performance using a move known by the Pokémon.</small>
| 3 <font color="pink">♥♥♥
| 0
| <small>ScramblesConfonde thel'ordine orderdel ofturno appeals on the next turnseguente.</small>
| 2 <font color="pink">♥♥
| <small>Earn +2 if the Pokémon performs first in the turn.</small>
| 4 <font color="pink">♥♥♥♥
| 0
| <small>Una mossaMossa di grande effetto durante l'esecuzione. </small>
| 2 <font color="pink">♥♥
| <small>Earn +3 if the Pokémon that just went hit max Voltage.</small>
| 8 <font color="pink">♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
| 0
| <small>MakesOttima, ama greatchi appeal,la butusa allowsnon nopuò morepiù toesibirsi thenella endGARA. </small>
| 0
| <small>Earn +15 if all the Pokémon choose the same Judge.</small>
| 2 <font color="pink">♥♥
| 1 ♥
| <small>BadlySpaventa startlesterribilmente allchi Pokémonsi thatè madeesibito good appealsbene. </small>
| 2 <font color="pink">♥♥
| <small>Earn +15 if all the Pokémon choose the same Judge.</small>
| 1 <font color="pink">♥
| 0
| <small>TheL'esibizione appealè worksmigliore these bestil thepubblico moreè the crowd is excitedscatenato. </small>
| 2 <font color="pink">♥♥
| <small>Prevents the Voltage from going up in the same turn.</small>
| 1 <font color="pink">♥
| 0
| <small>UpsMigliora theforma user'sdi conditionchi andla helpsusa. preventPuò nervousnessimpedire il nervosismo.</small>
| 0
| <small>Earn double the score in the next turn.</small>
| 2 <font color="pink">♥♥
| 2 ♥♥
| <small>StartlesSpaventa alltutti i Pokémon thatche havesi donesono theirgià appealsesibiti. </small>
| 3 <font color="pink">♥♥♥
| <small>A basic performance using a move known by the Pokémon.</small>
| 3 <font color="pink">♥♥♥
| 0
| <small>ScramblesConfonde thel'ordine orderdel ofturno appeals on the next turnseguente.</small>
| 2 <font color="pink">♥♥
| <small>Earn +2 if the Pokémon performs first in the turn.</small>
| 1 <font color="pink">♥
| 0
| <small>ThePiù appealtardi worksla bettersi theesegue, latermaggiore itè isil performedsuo effetto.</small>
| 2 <font color="pink">♥♥
| <small>Earn +3 if the Pokémon that just went hit max Voltage.</small>
| 3 <font color="pink">♥♥♥
| 0
| <small>TemporarilyCalma stopstemporaneamente thel'entusiasmo crowddel from growing excitedpubblico.</small>
| 0
| <small>Earn a higher score the later the Pokémon performs.</small>
| 1 <font color="pink">♥
| 4 ♥♥♥♥
| <small>BadlySpaventa startlesterribilmente theil Pokémon in frontdavanti.</small>
| 0
| <small>Earn +2 if the Pokémon performs first in the turn.</small>


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