Differenze tra le versioni di "Rudy"

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8 byte aggiunti ,  18:06, 2 lug 2012
===Nel manga The Electric Tale of Pikachu===
[[File:Rudy EToP.png|thumb|left|200px|Rudy in The Electric Tale of Pikachu]]
Rudy è stato raffigurato anche in un capitolo del manga [[The Electric Tale of Pikachu]], anche se è l'unico Capopalestra della [[Lega d'Orange]] a fare una comparsata al di fuori dell'anime. Tuttavia, nella versione inglese viene ridenominato Jeremy.
Rudy was featured in a chapter of the [[The Electric Tale of Pikachu]] manga, making him the only one of the [[Orange League]] Gym Leaders to make an appearance outside of the anime. However, he was referred to as Jeremy in the English version.
Events in the manga transpired similar to the anime episode in which he was featured, although {{Tracey}} was not there. Rudy was the final Orange League Gym Leader that Ash battled, not the third. In addition, after Misty turned down Rudy's proposal, Mahri was disappointed because she wanted Misty to become her big sister. To solve this, Rudy starts to crossdress, becoming a big sister for Mahri.

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