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::::: All right, I [[User:En-Cu-Kou/Report|moved the list to the wiki]].
::::: It would be helpful if someone could translate the messages, so that ''expected''/''got'' won't get mixed up as easily :)
::::::I did that work with the previous link, and I can do with this list the same work! Just a thing about the new list: [[Ombropanico (mossa)]] is a wrong title, as [[Ombrapanico (mossa)]] is the real title. Oh, and the Foongus infobox in the previous list was ther, but the name was wrong (PokémonInfob instead of PokémonInfo). Could you check again those two pages, please? :) --[[User:Qwilava|Qwilava]] <nowiki>[</nowiki>[[Discussioni utente:Qwilava|rispondimi]]] 09:11, 2 set 2011 (CEST)
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