Differenze tra le versioni di "'M (00)"

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42 byte aggiunti ,  14:41, 1 lug 2011
nessun oggetto della modifica
The blocks in 'M's name depend on which sprite is occupying the spot where the player's Pokémon appears. In battle, the block on the left of its name will copy part of the sprite in the bottom-left corner of the screen (the player's Pokémon), while the block on the right will copy part of the sprite in the upper-right corner of the screen (the opponent's Pokémon). Out of battle, the blocks in its name will change depending on the player's location.
'M can be encountered via the old man glitch with any name other than a default name. This is because it is encountered due to the wild encounter data being read from past the end-name marker. 'M does not appear for a default name like 'RED' chosen directly from the New Game interface because these are actually extended 7+ character names using multiple end name characters to hide additional data. The 'absolute name-space' is filled from one of these default names, so invalid symbol 0x00 is not withdrawn. 'M will only appear at level 0 if the player's name is six characters or shorter, but it can appear at level 80 if the player's name is seven characters long. This is because the game reads the end-name marker (which has an index number of 80) as the level.-->
==Dati di gioco==
===Resistenze e vulnerabilità===
{{Efficacia tipi DP|
tipo1=normale??? |
Normale= 100 |
Lotta= 200 |
Spettro= 0 |
Acciaio= 100 |
Fuoco= 100 |
Acqua= 100 |
Drago= 100 |
Buio= 100 |
notes=noyes |
glitch=primary |
tipo2=Normale |
Speciale=29 |
Velocità=6 |
type=??? |
type2=Normale }}
===Mosse apprese===
====Aumentando di [[livello]]====
7 630


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