Differenze tra le versioni di "Modulo:UselessForms/data"

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Gen 9 *** sovrascritto il testo esistente ***
(Various updates for LPA *** sovrascritto il testo esistente ***)
(Gen 9 *** sovrascritto il testo esistente ***)
local t = {}
local txt = require('Modulo:Wikilib/strings') -- luacheck: no unused
-- stylua: ignore start
local tab = require('Modulo:Wikilib/tables') -- luacheck: no unused
local txt = require('Modulo:Wikilib/strings') -- luacheck: no unused
local tab = require('Modulo:Wikilib/tables') -- luacheck: no unused
-- stylua: ignore end
-- TODO: refactor link creations, shamelessly copied from AltForms-data
local function makeSingleLink(context, formName, poke, general)
if formName == "" then
return ""
local target
if general then
target = table.concat({ general, "#", t[poke].anchor or stringtxt.fu(poke) })
target = table.concat({string txt.fu(poke), "/Forme" })
return stringtxt.interp(context, {
link = table.concat({ "[[", target, "|", formName, "]]" }),
-- Create all links for alternative forms (black, blue and plain)
local function makeLinks()
local contexts = {
links = '<div class="small-text">${link}</div>',
blacklinks = '<div class="small-text black-text">${link}</div>',
plainlinks = '"${link}'",
for index, context in pairs(contexts) do
for name, poke in pairs(t) do
poke[index] = tabletab.map(poke.names, function(formName)
return makeSingleLink(context, formName, name)
t.alcremie = {}
t.zarude = {}
t.dudunsparce = {}
t.maushold = {}
t.tatsugiri = {}
t.koraidon = {}
t.miraidon = {}
-- stylua: ignore start
t.pikachu.names = {O = 'Berretto Originale', H = 'Berretto Hoenn',
Si = 'Berretto Sinnoh', U = 'Berretto Unima',
t.cramorant.names = {T = "Forma Inghiottitutto", I = "Forma Inghiottintero", base = ""}
t.sinistea.names = {base = "Forma Contraffatta", A = "Forma Autentica"}
-- Alcremie is below
t.zarude.names = { P = '"Zarude Papà'", base = ''"" }
t.dudunsparce.names = { base = "Forma Bimetamero", T = "Forma Trimetamero" }
t.maushold.names = { base = "Trifamiglia", Q = "Quadrifamiglia" }
t.tatsugiri.names = { base = "Forma Arcuata", A = "Forma Adagiata", T = "Forma Tesa" }
t.koraidon.names = { base = "Foggia Integrale", P = "Foggia Parziale", S = "Foggia Scattante", N = "Foggia Nautica", L = "Foggia Librata" }
t.miraidon.names = { base = "Assetto Completo", L = "Assetto Limitato", S = "Assetto Sprint", N = "Assetto Nuoto", P = "Assetto Planata" }
-- stylua: ignore end
-- Alcremie is quite molesto in **** (censored for the sake of poor childen who browse our site)
-- stylua: ignore
local flavours = {Lv = "Lattevaniglia", R = "Latterosa", Ma = "Lattematcha",
Me = "Lattementa", L = "Lattelimone", S = "Lattesale", Rm = "Rosamix",
Cm = "Caramelmix", Tm = "Triplomix"}
-- stylua: ignore
local decorations = {Fa = "Bonbonfragola", C = "Bonboncuore",
B = "Bonbonbosco", Fo = "Bonbonfoglio", Fe = "Bonbonfiore",
S = "Bonbonstella", Fc = "Bonbonfiocco"}
t.alcremie.names = { base = "Lattevaniglia Bonbonfragola" }
for flav, flavname in pairs(flavours) do
for dec, decname in pairs(decorations) do
t.alcremie.names[flav .. dec] = table.concat{flavname, " ", decname}
table.concat({ flavname, " ", decname })
t.alcremie.names["LvFa"] = nil
t.zarude.names = {P = 'Zarude Papà', base = ''}
-- Anchor per i link alle forme alternative,
-- se diversi dal nome del Pokémon
t.shellos.anchor = '"Shellos e Gastrodon'"
t.burmy.anchor = '"Burmy e Wormadam'"
t.deerling.anchor = '"Deerling e Sawsbuck'"
t.floette.anchor = '"Flabébé, Floette e Florges'"
t.florges.anchor = '"Flabébé, Floette e Florges'"
-- Table to map extended names to abbrs
-- stylua: ignore start
t.pikachu.ext = {originale = 'O', hoenn = 'H', sinnoh = 'Si',
unima = 'U', kalos = 'K', alola = 'A', compagni = 'Co', giramondo = 'G'}
caramelmix = 'Cm', triplomix = 'Tm'}
t.zarude.ext = {['papà'] = 'P'}
t.dudunsparce.ext = { trimetamero = "T", bimetamero = "base" }
t.maushold.ext = { quadrifamiglia = "Q", trifamiglia = "base" }
t.tatsugiri.ext = { adagiata = "A", tesa = "T", arcuata = "base" }
t.koraidon.ext = { integrale = "base", parziale = "P", scattante = "S", nautica = "N", librata = "L" }
t.miraidon.ext = { completo = "base", limitato = "L", sprint = "S", nuoto = "N", planata = "P" }
-- stylua: ignore end
-- stylua: ignore start
t.pikachu.gamesOrder = {'base', 'O', 'H', 'Si', 'U', 'K', 'A', 'Co', 'G'}
t.pichu.gamesOrder = {'base', 'S'}
-- Alcremie's gamesOrder is filled below, with since
t.zarude.gamesOrder = {'base', 'P'}
t.dudunsparce.gamesOrder = { "base", "T" }
t.maushold.gamesOrder = { "base", "Q" }
t.tatsugiri.gamesOrder = { "base", "A", "T" }
t.koraidon.gamesOrder = { "base", "P", "S", "N", "L" }
t.miraidon.gamesOrder = { "base", "L", "S", "N", "P" }
-- stylua: ignore end
-- stylua: ignore start
t.pikachu.since = {O = 'sl', H = 'sl', Si = 'sl', U = 'sl',
K = 'sl', A = 'sl', Co = 'usul', G = 'spsc', base = 'rb'}
t.cramorant.since = {T = 'spsc', I = 'spsc', base = 'spsc'}
t.sinistea.since = {base = 'spsc', A = 'spsc'}
t.dudunsparce.since = { base = "sv", T = "sv" }
t.maushold.since = { base = "sv", Q = "sv" }
t.tatsugiri.since = { base = "sv", A = "sv", T = "sv" }
t.koraidon.since = { base = "sv", P = "sv", S = "sv", N = "sv", L = "sv" }
t.miraidon.since = { base = "sv", L = "sv", S = "sv", N = "sv", P = "sv" }
-- stylua: ignore end
-- Alcremie is quite molesto in **** pt. 2
local flavours = {' "Lv'", '"R'", '"Ma'", '"Me'", '"L'", '"S'", '"Rm'", '"Cm'", '"Tm'" }
local decorations = { "Fa", "C", "B", "Fo", "Fe", "S", "Fc" }
t.alcremie.gamesOrder = {}
t.alcremie.since = { base = "spsc" }
for _, flav in ipairs(flavours) do
for _, dec in ipairs(decorations) do
local abbr = table.concat({ flav, dec })
table.insert(t.alcremie.gamesOrder, abbr)
t.alcremie.since[abbr] = "spsc"
t.alcremie.gamesOrder[1] = "base"
t.alcremie.since["LvFa"] = nil
t.zarude.since = { base = '"spsc'", P = '"spsc'" }
t.pichu['"until'"] = { S = '"hgss'" }
t.floette['"until'"] = { E = '"xy'" }
-- Alias, messi qui per evitare inutili iterazioni dei cicli precedenti
t.gastrodon = tabletab.copy(t.shellos)
t.sawsbuck = tabletab.copy(t.deerling)
t.jellicent = tabletab.copy(t.frillish)
t['"flabébé'"] = tabletab.copy(t.florges)
t.polteageist = tabletab.copy(t.sinistea)
-- Link creation should be done AFTER copying Pokémon with same forms, in order
t[666] = t.vivillon
t[668] = t.pyroar
t[669] = t['"flabébé'"]
t[670] = t.floette
t[671] = t.florges
t[869] = t.alcremie
t[893] = t.zarude
-- t[917] = t.dudunsparce
-- t[946] = t.maushold
-- t[952] = t.tatsugiri
-- t[998] = t.koraidon
-- t[999] = t.miraidon
return t
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