Differenze tra le versioni di "DP132"

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4 byte rimossi ,  09:53, 20 ott 2022
Bot: Fixing obsolete templates usage
m (Bot: Fixing obsolete templates usage)
* This is the third time that one of Ash's Pokémon has evolved against Paul, with Chimchar evolving into Monferno. The first two were [[Turtwig]] evolving into Grotle, and [[Staravia]] evolving into Staraptor.
* Team Rocket doesn't blast off or recite their {{motto}} in this episode.
* In the {{pmin|Portugal|European Portuguese}} [[dub]], while explaining {{a|[[Flame Body}}]], {{an|Brock}} specifies that there is a 30% chance of the attacker becoming burned after making direct contact with {{p|[[Magmortar}}]]. This piece of information was directly taken from the games, as it is not present in the English dub.-->
106 654


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