Elenco dei capitoli di Pokémon Pocket Monsters

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Questo è l'elenco dei capitoli del manga Pokémon Pocket Monsters, creato da 穴久保幸作 Kosaku Anakubo.

Volume 1

Titolo inglese Titolo giapponese Titolo giapponese (tradotto)
PMM001 Introducing the Pokémon Clefairy!! ポケモン、ピッピ登場!! Introducing the Pokémon Pippi!!
PMM002 Big Battle in the Viridian Forest!! トキワの森で大バトル!! Big Battle in the Tokiwa Forest!!
PMM003 Bring Down the Powerful Opponent Onix!! 強敵イワークをたおせ!! Bring Down the Powerful Opponent Iwark!!
PMM004 Obtain the Moon Stone!! 月の石を手に入れる!! Obtain the Moon Stone!!
PMM005 Search For The Mirage Pokémon Mew!! 幻のポケモン、ミュウを探せ!! Search for the Mirage Pokémon Mew!!
PMM006 Great Success in the Mountains or the Seas!? 山でも海でも大活躍!? Great at Mountains and Great at Seas!?
PMM007 Get Rid Of The Ghost Pokémon!! 幽霊ポケモンを退治しろ!! Exorcise the Ghostly Pokémon!!

Volume 2

Titolo inglese Titolo giapponese Titolo giapponese (tradotto)
PMM008 Catch That Pokémon Thief!! 強盗ポケモンをつかまえろ!! Catch That Pokémon Thief!!
PMM009 Pikachu Was Kidnapped!! ピカチュウ、ゆうかいされる!! Pikachu Was Kidnapped!!
PMM010 Big Struggle with the Powerful Opponent Venusaur!! 強敵フシギバナに大苦戦!! Big Struggle with the Powerful Opponent Fushigibana!!
PMM011 Finish Off Team Rocket!! ロケット団をやっつけろ!! Finish Off Rocket-Dan!!
PMM012 The Life-or-Death Magic Duel!! マジック勝負は命がけ!? The Life-or-Death Magic Duel!!
PMM013 The Legendary Pokémon Appears!! 伝説のポケモン、現る!! The Legendary Pokémon Appears!!
PMM014 Big Rampage at the Safari Zone!? サファリゾーンで大暴れ!? Big Rampage at the Safari Zone!?

Volume 3

Titolo inglese Titolo giapponese Titolo giapponese (tradotto)
PMM015 Save The Chansey! ラッキーたちを助けだぜ!! Save the Lucky!!
PMM016 Get The Flying Machine!! 空飛ぶマシーンを手に入れろ!! Obtain the Flying Machine!!
PMM017 Regain the Deserted Power Plant! 無人発電所を取りもどせ!! Regain the Deserted Power Plant!!
PMM018 Which One is the Real Clefairy!? 二人のピッピ、本物はどっち!? Which One is the Real Pippi!?
PMM019 Aim to be the No. 1 Pokémon!! めざせ、ポケモンNo。1!! Aim to be the No. 1 Pokémon!!
PMM020 Good Luck at the Big Pokémon Athletic Meet! がんばれ、ポケモン大運動会!! Good Luck at the Big Pokémon Athletic Meet!!
PMM021 Pokémon Baseball Tournament!! 激闘、ポケモン野球大会!! Fierce Competition at the Pokémon Baseball Tournament!!
PMM022 Part-Time Job At The Swimming Pool!! プールのバイトは楽じゃない!? The Job at the Pool Isn't Easy!?

Volume 4

Titolo inglese Titolo giapponese Titolo giapponese (tradotto)
PMM023 Clefairy Evolves... At Last?! ピッピ、ついに進化する!? Pippi Finally Evolves!?
PMM024 Fierce Competition at the Pokémon Quiz Battle!! 激闘、ポケモンクイズバトル!! Fierce Competition at the Pokémon Quiz Battle!!
PMM025 Bring Down the Strongest Pokémon!! 最強ポケモンをぶったおせ!! Bring Down the Strongest Pokémon!!
PMM026 Clefairy's Christmas Present?! ピッピのクリスマスプレゼント!? Pippi's Christmas Present!?
PMM027 Curry Showdown! Which is the Most Delicious? カレー対決!! おいしいのはどっち? Curry Showdown!! Which is the Most Delicious?
PMM028 Seize the Dream of One Million Yen!! 夢の百万円をつかめ!! Seize the Dream of One Million Yen!!
PMM029 The Thrill of a Perfect Score, Big Rampage at the Amusement Park! スリル満点、遊園地で大暴れ!! The Thrilling, Big Rampage at the Amusement Park!!
PMM030 Let's Celebrate the New Year!! お正月を楽しもう!! Let's Celebrate the New Year!!

Volume 5

Titolo inglese Titolo giapponese Titolo giapponese (tradotto)
PMM031 Get The Last Badge!! 最後のバッジをゲットしろ!! Get The Last Badge!!
PMM032 The Legendary Moltres Appears!! 伝説のファイヤー登場!! The Legendary Fire Appears!!
PMM033 To the Pokémon League!! ポケモンリーグへ突入だ!! To the Pokémon League!!
PMM034 Clefairy's Under Training!! ピッピ、修業を積む!? Pippi's Under Training!?
PMM035 Panic on the Luxury Liner?! 超豪華客船で大パニック!? Panic on the Luxury Liner!?
PMM036 Space Havoc!! 宇宙で大暴れ!! Space Havoc!!
PMM037 Get that 10 Billion Yen!! (Special Side-Story) 百億円をうばえ!!(特別読きり番外編) Get that 10 Billion Yen!! (Special Side-Story)

Volume 6

Titolo inglese Titolo giapponese Titolo giapponese (tradotto)
PMM038 The Final Battle!! 決戦!最終バトル!! The Final Battle!!
PMM039 The Revenge of Mewtwo!! ギャグ版!ミュウツーの逆襲 Gag Version! Mewtwo Strikes Back
PMM040 Save the Pokémon Zoo!! ポケモン動物園、復活への道!! Save the Pokémon Zoo!!
PMM041 Clefairy's Weight-Gaining Mission!! ピッピの逆減量大作戦!! Pippi's Weight-Gaining Mission!!
PMM042 Red VS Green?! 対決!!レッドVSグリーン!! Red VS Green?!
PMM043 Clefairy, a Doctor!? ピッピ、医者になる!? Pippi, a Doctor!?
PMM044 The Fake Pikachu!! にせピカチュウ登場!! The Fake Pikachu!!
PMM045 Get Snorlax!! カビゴンをゲット!! Get Kabigon!!

Volume 7

Titolo inglese Titolo giapponese Titolo giapponese (tradotto)
PMM046 The Giant Pikachu Robot 巨大ピカチュウロボ出現 The Giant Pikachu Robot
PMM047 Squirtle, the Crybaby Pokémon 泣き虫ポケモンゼニガメ登場 Squirtle, the Crybaby Pokémon
PMM048 Stop the Missile!! ロケット爆弾を阻止しろ!! Stop the Missile!!
PMM049 Fighting Over Otoshidama!! お年玉争奪戦バトル!? Fighting Over Otoshidama!?
PMM050 Team Rocket's Downfall!! ロケット団を成敗だ!! Rocket-Dan's Downfall!!
PMM051 Pikachu's Birthday Party ピカチュウの誕生会 Pikachu's Birthday Party
PMM052 Protect Jynx!! ルージュラを守れ!! Protect Rougela!!
PMM053 Clefairy's Pikachu Robot ピッピの悪夢 Pippi's Nightmare

Volume 8

Titolo inglese Titolo giapponese Titolo giapponese (tradotto)
PMM054 The Pokémon Banana League (Part 1) ポケモンバナナリーグ(前編) The Pokémon Banana League (Part 1)
PMM055 The Pokémon Banana League (Part 2) ポケモンバナナリーグ(後編) The Pokémon Banana League (Part 2)
PMM056 The Ancient Pokémon Discovery! 古代ポケモン発見!? The Ancient Pokémon Discovery!?
PMM057 Clefairy, a Supernatural Being?! ピッピはエスパー!? Pippi, a Supernatural Being!?
PMM058 Get Lugia! ルギアをゲットせよ!! Get Lugia!!
PMM059 Good-Bye, Pikachu?! さよなら!? ピカチュウ Good-Bye!? Pikachu
PMM060 I Want to Become Popular!! 人気者になりたい!! I Want to Become Popular!!
PMM061 The End of the Journey!! 旅の終点!! The End of the Journey!!

Volume 9

Titolo inglese Titolo giapponese Titolo giapponese (tradotto)
PMM062 Welcome Back, Clefairy!! ピッピふたたび!! Pippi, Again!!
PMM063 Marill's Special Training to Surpass Pikachu!! めざせピカチュウ、マリル猛特訓 !! Marill's Special Training to Surpass Pikachu!!
PMM064 Where is Chikorita?! チコリータはどこだ!? Where is Chikorita!?
PMM065 Clefairy, the Battle Instructor ピッピのバトル教室 Pippi's Battle Classroom
PMM066 Hatch the Pokémon Egg!! かえって!!気になる卵 Hatch!! The Mysterious Egg
PMM067 A Finger Lickin' Battle! なぜかおいしいバトル! Somehow Delicious Battle!
PMM068 Messing up the Farm!! 牧場で大迷惑!! Big Trouble in the Ranch!!
PMM069 Demanding Tests at the Pokémon School! 超難関!ポケモン塾 Super Hard! Pokémon Cram School
PMM070 The Gym Challenges Begin!! ジムリーダー戦、ついにスタート!! Gym Leader Battles Finally Start!!

Volume 10

Titolo inglese Titolo giapponese Titolo giapponese (tradotto)
PMM071 Clefairy Rangers to the Rescue!! ピッピ隊参上!! Pippi Rangers to the Rescue!!
PMM072 Rampage at the Ruins of Alph!! アルフの遺跡で大暴れ!! Rampage at the Ruins of Alph!!
PMM073 Escape from Magma!? マグマに脱出!? Escape from Magma!?
PMM074 Clefairy Becomes a Father...?! ピッピ親になる……!? Pippi Becomes a Father...?!
PMM075 Pichu and Pichu's Big Fight ピチューとピチューの大げんか Pichu and Pichu's Big Fight
PMM076 Clefairy's Dream Comes True ピッピの夢かなえます Pippi's Dream Comes True
PMM077 Pokémon Hair Salon Opens!! 開店!! ポケモン美容院 Grand Opening!! The Pokémon Beauty Parlor
PMM078 Find Slowpoke!! ヤドンを捜せ!! Find Yadon!!
PMM079 The Hardest Bug Pokémon Wins?! むしポケモンはかたさで勝負!? The Hardest Bug Pokémon Wins?!

Volume 11

Titolo inglese Titolo giapponese Titolo giapponese (tradotto)
PMM080 Clefairy is a Mama! ピッピママ奮闘記! Pippi's Struggling Chronicle!
PMM081 Showdown at the Radio Tower!! ラジオ塔の大決戦!! Showdown at the Radio Tower!!
PMM082 Don't Accuse Me!! ぬれぎぬをはらせ!! Don't Accuse Me!!
PMM083 Pokémon Snowball Fight ポケモン雪合戦大会 Pokémon Snowball Fight Tournament
PMM084 Fierce Battle Between Clefairy and Clefable ピッピVSピクシー壮絶バトル Grand Battle Between Pippi VS Pixy
PMM085 Togepi's Determination トゲピーの重大決心 Togepy's Serious Determination
PMM086 Operation: Capture Vileplume ラフレシア捕獲大作戦 Ruffresia Capture Operation
PMM087 Sudowoodo's Toll Charges ウソッキーの通せんぼ Usokkie's Blockage
PMM088 Find the Legendary Pokémon!! 伝説のポケモンを探せ!! Find the Legendary Pokémon!!
PMM089 Tyrogue the Artist!! 芸術家バルキー!! Tyrogue the Artist!!

Volume 12

Titolo inglese Titolo giapponese Titolo giapponese (tradotto)
PMM090 The Legendary Ho-oh!! 伝説のホウオウ!! The Legendary Houou!!
PMM091 Light Up the Lighthouse!! 灯台に光をもどせ!! Restore the Light of the Lighthouse!!
PMM092 Celebi, the Green Guardian 緑の守り神·せレビィ The Green Guardian - Celebi
PMM093 Tyrogue's In Love?! バルキーの恋!? Balkie's In Love!?
PMM094 Take me to the Dragon Palace! 竜宮城へ連れられて…… Take me to the Dragon Palace...
PMM095 Clefairy, the Pop Star?! 大スター·ピッピ!? Big Star, Pippi!?
PMM096 Defeat Chuck Style Martial Arts!! 打倒シジマ流拳法!! Defeat Shijima Style Martial Arts!!
PMM097 The Mysterious Underground Amusement Park なぞの地下遊園地 The Mysterious Underground Amusement Park
PMM098 The Food Battle 激戦!!フードバトル Fierce Battle!! Food Battle
PMM099 Stop the Strange Sonic Sound!! 怪電波を止めろ!! Stop the Strange Radio Wave!!

Volume 13

Titolo inglese Titolo giapponese Titolo giapponese (tradotto)
PMM100 Ice World なにからなにまで氷づけ!? Everything is Frozen!?
PMM101 Summer Time at Clefairy's Dome ピッピドームで常夏気分 Everlasting Summer Feeling in Pippi's Dome
PMM102 To the Dragon's Den!! 潜入!!りゅうの穴 Infiltration!! The Dragon's Hole
PMM103 The Ultimate Battle…?! けんかするほど……!? The More You Fight...?!
PMM104 The Great Helper!! 強力助っ人誕生!? A Strong Helper is Born!?
PMM105 Return light to Bellossom!! キレイハナに光を!! Return the Light to Kireihana!!
PMM106 A Challenge to the Elite Four! 四天王に挑戦!! A Challenge to The Big Four!!
PMM107 Clefairy, the Wizard 魔法使いピッピ Pippi, the Wizard
PMM108 The Exam Showdown!! お受験対決!! The Exam Showdown!!

Volume 14

Titolo inglese Titolo giapponese Titolo giapponese (tradotto)
PMM109 Master The Ultimate Skill! 最強技を会得せる!! Master the Strongest Move!!
PMM110 Clefairy's Grand Diet Plan ピッピの減量大作戦 Pippi's Weight Loss Tactics
PMM111 Hollywood, Here We Come!! めざせハリウッド!! Aim for Hollywood!!
PMM112 Special Fireworks!! 特別花火を打ち上げる!! Launch the Special Fireworks!!
PMM113 Both Are Clefkachu?! 2人はピッピカチュウ!? The Two of Us are Pippikachu!?
PMM114 Give Me Happiness!! 幸せをください!! Give Me Happiness!!
PMM115 Legend Of The Strongest Pokémon!! ポケモン最強伝説!! Legend Of The Strongest Pokémon!!
PMM116 Files Of Greedy Detective Clefairy 大食い探偵ピッピの事件簿 The Files Of Greedy Detective Pippi
PMM117 Clefairy's Most Deadly Rival 強力ライバル、登場!? The Strongest Rival Appears!?