Elenco dei capitoli di Pocket Monsters BW

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Questo è l'elenco dei capitoli del manga Pocket Monsters BW, creato da 穴久保幸作 Kosaku Anakubo. In tutti esistono 47 capitoli.

Volume 1

Titolo giapponese Titolo giapponese (tradotto)
PMBW01 イッシュ地方で 新たな旅!! A New Journey in the Isshu Region!!
PMBW02 イケメンレストラン でバトル!? Battle at the Handsome Restaurant!?
PMBW03 ポケモンとしゃべりたい! I Want to Talk to the Pokémon!
PMBW04 かくとうポケモンのショータイム!? Showtime of the Fighting Pokémon!?
PMBW05 ジムリーダーの弱点をさがせ! Search for the Gym Leader's Weak Point!
PMBW06 マラソン大会で大爆走! Roaring Around in the Marathon Tournament!
PMBW07 ピッピのクサ~イ友だち Pippi's Stin~ky Friend
PMBW08 運が良くなりた~い I Want Our Luck to Im~prove
PMBW09 ピッピ刑事の迷推理!? Detective Pippi's Stray Reasoning!?
PMBW10 古代のお宝ゲットだぜ…!? Get the Ancient Treasure...!?
PMBW11 ピッピのジェットコースターバトル Pippi's Jet Coaster Battle
PMBW12 海底遺跡にご招待 Invited to the Undersea Ruins

Volume 2

Titolo giapponese Titolo giapponese (tradotto)
PMBW13 しょうりポケモンと大勝負! The Victory Pokémon and the Big Match!
PMBW14 新メンバーは建築家!! The New Member is an Architect!!
PMBW15 パイロットになりた~い! I Want to Become a Pi~lot!
PMBW16 大金持ちになっちゃった!? I'm Rich!?
PMBW17 SL燃料を ほり当てる! Use SL Fuel to Dig!
PMBW18 ピッピの鬼たいじ! Pippi's Demon Extermination
PMBW19 ピッピ戦隊登場!! Pippi Squad Appears!!
PMBW20 クリスマスケーキが食べたい!! I Want to Eat the Christmas Cake!!
PMBW21 プロデューサーで大もうけ!? Earn Big by Being a Producer!?
PMBW22 ピッピの初夢大作戦 Pippi's First Dream Tactics
PMBW23 レッド、涙の卒業式…!? Red, Graduation Ceremony of Tears...!?

Volume 3

Titolo giapponese Titolo giapponese (tradotto)
PMBW24 無敵の超機能ライブキャスター!? Invincible Ultra-function Live Caster!?
PMBW25 四天王とのカレーなる対決!! Curry Face-Off with the Four Heavenly Kings!!
PMBW26 レッド流GW攻略法! Red's Style Golden Week Strategy!
PMBW27 にげきれ!レッドVS予防注射!! Run! Red VS Immunization!!
PMBW28 新ポケモン情報をゲットせよ! Get the New Pokémon Information!
PMBW29 メロエッタで大もうけ!? Meloetta's Big Profit!?
PMBW30 ケルデイオを引き止める!! Stop Keldeo!!
PMBW31 再会!チャンピオン • グリーン!! Meeting Again! Champion Green!!
PMBW32 映画監督ピッピ誕生…!? Movie Director Pippi is Born...!?
PMBW33 ピッピの水族館大作戦! Pippi's Big Aquarium Operation!
PMBW34 爆笑ギャグで笑いを取りもせ! Get a Laugh out of Hilarious Gags!
PMBW35 お好み焼き争奪戦!! Okonomiyaki Competition!!

Volume 4

Titolo giapponese Titolo giapponese (tradotto)
PMBW36 謎の宝の地図と甘いワナ The Mysterious Treasure Map and the Sweet Trap
PMBW37 遠足のおやつを増やせ!! More Snack Time on our Trip!!
PMBW38 臨時サンタとズレまくりスマス! The Temporary Santa and the Reckless Slip-mas!
PMBW39 宝くじで夢の億万長者!! Lottery Dream Billionaire!!
PMBW40 不思議な力で温泉さがし Use the Mysterious Power to Search for the Hot Springs
PMBW41 ピッピとチラーミィの意外な友情 Pippi and Chillarmy's Unexpected Friendship
PMBW42 かわいくなりた~い!! I Want to be Cu~te!!
PMBW43 ピッピ、天才になる Pippi Becomes a Genius
PMBW44 遊園地を立て直せ!! Let's Revamp the Amusement Park!!
PMBW45 青空教室で勉強しょう! Study in the Open-Air Classroom!
PMBW46 ハチャメチャ家族ごっこ! Make-Believe a Nonsense Family!
PMBW47 南国リゾートにご招待♡ Invitation to a Resort in the South ♡