Differenze tra le versioni di "Strumenti tenuti"

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|descrse=A held item that calms spirits and fosters friendship.
|descfrlg=An item to be held by a Pokémon. A bell with a comforting chime that makes the holder calm and friendly.
|descdppthgss=AnStrumento itemda tofar betenere helda by aun Pokémon. It is a bell with aCampanella comfortingdal chimesuono thatrassicurante calmsche thecalma holderchi andla makesusa itrendendolo friendlyamichevole.
|locrse=Signora nel [[Pokémon Fan Club]] di [[Porto Selcepoli]]
|locfrlg=Piano più alto della [[Torre Pokémon]] di [[Lavandonia]], dove si trovava [[Mr. Fuji]]
|descfrlg=An item to be held by a Pokémon. It repels wild Pokémon if the holder is the first in the party.
|descdppt=Helps keep wild Pokémon away if the holder is the first one in the party
|deschgss=AnStrumento itemda tofar betenere helda by aun Pokémon. ItAiuta helpsad keepallontanare wildi Pokémon away ifselvatici these holderchi islo thetiene firstè oneil inprimo thedella partysquadra.
|locrse=[[Monte Pira]]
11 803


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